[@vFear] Hmmmm... If we're going that route, then their attempted capture should center around Vilĉjo's involvement with -unbeknownst to him- the local government, or a 'shadier' aspect of it. Essentially, someone wants those organs, but the bombings/assassinations force them to react recklessly - they use their tabs on Vilĉjo to track him down in the midst of the chaos (as attempting to open the secured van without his know-how would inevitably melt the valuables inside, or something along those lines), and he happens to have bumped into Ridahne and Haban on his way back there. Suddenly targeted by what appears to be some arm of the government and labeled as part of the terrorist 'plot', they must now work together to figure out the true culprits behind these dastardly doings and clear their names... And then everyone eats cake while the credits role; I mean, that, or they have to wait until *after the credits role to eat the cake - but nobody wants to wait that long unless it's for a Marvel movie; So, some doe-eyed genius figures "Hey, maybe we ought to just shove 'em in the middle this time?" But THEN everyone accuses them of being 'unoriginal' and saying: "Well 'Flawless' did that, but I see you've already hired the crippled cop and the dealer." So then they have to go BACK to the drawing board, and then somebody needs to go call the storyboard artist to get him out of bed in the middle of the night, and then someone else needs to go find the cinematographer to stop him drinking himself to death over having to re-shoot the entire scene because as it turns out, two of the cast-members got a slice of cake and the third was left eating humble pie - and before you know it, it's 2 A.M. and everyone's just agreed to maybe give the post-credits sequence a pass this time.