[quote=@souleaterfan320] Limbo:[color=003471][i]I failed my duties as one of the False King's Barons. Thus, I was exiled.[ they open a portal and fire you into the depths of space. My 'honor' and control of The Amaranthine were stripped from me. I am no longer connected to the other Barons, or the False King himself. I do have allies there, but no way of reaching them. [/i][/color] Mierno: what does this King want? Limbo:[color=003471][i].... Purification through conversion. He believes Existence should be evolved through the use of the Amaranthine.[/i][/color] Mierno: ...well, we have The Endless' motives, now. *thinks about something* ...Wait a minute. Only you were brought here? Limbo:[color=004b80][i]...as far as I know, yes.[/i][/color] Mierno: There were three signatures.... *as we approach the base, merely yards away, two other signatures start heading our way at lightning speeds* ....well, crap. Jade, Limbo. Run! *a beastlike creature tackles mierno out of nowhere, traring away at me to no avail* [img]https://vignette.wikia.noHW-Odogaron_Render_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20171112161310[/img] [/quote] *Rocky tendrils come out of my back* Stop it!