“Thank you, I certainly appreciate a captive audience. I’ll make sure that you stay for long enough to forget everything else,” Elizabeth said, to the Valkyrie that had just parried her attack. Thankfully that was just a nuisance for the draconic-themed Lancer, since she followed up with a tail strike to keep the hooded girl at bay and another series of quick stabs aimed with an almost surgical precision to inflict more debilitating pain than damage to the her opponent as an attempt to possibly capture her alive while relieving Elizabeth’s more… sadistic side. Back at the other side of the the battlefield, Atalanta kept on her struggles to either convince Lancer to stop, or put an end to her. “Lancer, I know you can hear me! This is not the enemy you are supposed to be fighting. If you don’t stop, I’ll have to,” Atalanta said once more, trying to get through the Lancer while her claws reached for the other Servant’s throat, ready to crush it if she had to. However, she couldn’t foresee what would happen in a moment. Atalanta was unable to dodge some of the the icy projectiles in time, getting stuck as they impaled one of her legs, freezing her place. The ice wall that rose as soon as the gigantic wolf hauled Lancer away from her made it impossible even for Atalanta to shoot them down. The only thing that the Berserker could do was yell Lancer’s name as she raked at the ice, trying to get herself free. [hr]