Quite surprisingly, Chenlu was dressed practically for what they were doing--dull grey clothes, and the thick hoodie did a good job of hiding her most [i]obvious[/i] features (and anything else that might be concealed on her person)--which were by far more noteworthy than dressing mildly suspiciously. Unsurprisingly, she seemed rather relaxed about the affair, as if infiltrating a criminal meeting and looting the place was a sort of every day occurrence. Maybe she really didn't think it was a big deal, or it was because Mao was around? Maybe she just didn't [i]get[/i] that it was a problem (though unlikely)? Or maybe the idea of doing "grunt work" was just amusing to someone raised in her position? Either way, she didn't seem all too bothered when she put a hand up and asked first: "Is it [i]important[/i] if some people get nibbled by rabbits and die?"