[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180917/05af97e7db248bd2f1dfaf10221c2501.png[/img][/center][hr] Tsubasa was genuinely surprised by Kazuto's reaction to her antics. She was certainly aware that her grown up skills weren´t the best, but to end up no better than she started? It was a huge mistake, one that would have to be fixed immediately. Her mind exploded in a fury of possible strategies and solutions to save face among her new roommate. If any of the adults in her life could peer into her brain, they'd be flabbergasted at just how much passion she had and how absolutely none of it was being funneled into studying. They'd probably also complain about whatever flavor of the month pop song was looping endlessly in her head, but that's besides the point. [color=#c8b8fb]"Eh, sorry Kazuto!"[/color] she said. Starting her sentences like this was a calculated move that had since grown out of control and rooted itself with the rest of her habits. Upon seeing her cousin on the finishing stages of getting ready she gobbled her last bits of breakfast and took off towards the bathroom. There was no way she´d let herself be the last one out. Analyzing her face with the spirit of an idol critic solidified her concerns over appearances. A messy blob of hair, a crooked bow and collar, flaw after flaw was added to her to-do list. Anyone seeing her both now and until she was finished would have mistaken her for a regular girl out of the lack of accessories outside of a good luck bracelet. Tsubasa´s past and frequent encounters with authority figures had made her compliant in the rules surrounding student uniforms, with the exception of her hair. A single ponytail, tied to the side of her head as a silent sign of defiance. It was a visually interesting hairstyle that was simultaneously normal enough to get away with. She took one last look at herself in the mirror before rushing to the entrance of their house, where Kazuto was no doubt already suited up and waiting for her. [color=#c8b8fb]"Wait for me~!"[/color] she shouted.