[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] Now now, little Gammy~ Why would the one you worry about be the one who's obviously against you? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that~ [/quote] Well, contracts with Gammaton are magically binding, like Ursula-tanking-a-shot-from-a-magical-laser-beam-shooting-trident-by-hiding-behind-a-contract levels of magically binding. The only God for which this would not be the case is Iarus, who Gammaton has absolutely no designs to reign in because there would no point. And besides, the whole point of the General Assembly is to keep all the Gods close... Not that Gammaton has any enemies, mind you... [quote=@Dealdric] Dirka is gonna give everyone presents. Even the two pompous windbags she despises. [/quote] Whoever could you be talking about? Gammaton has always ever been a humble, civil servant... [hider=Don't look in here][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/b/b0/Grima.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080707153733[/img][/hider]