Hi there! I'm a long-time roleplayer with plenty of experience at the table, across the internet, and even a fair bit of live-action roleplay. I'm comfortable on both sides of the GM screen, and while I generally prefer mature themes to my games grim and grit isn't a necessity. :D My first experience with roleplaying came when I was still in school, and a friend rounded up a whole slew of us (twelve players around one table with a newbie GM running advanced dungeons and dragons -- what could go wrong?) and ran an adventure that I've never forgotten: I still have that character sheet for my druid Tisa, and her wombat companion. Since then, I guess about twenty-three-ish years ago, I've roleplayed on a nearly daily basis. I play males and females with roughly the same comfort, and while I have nothing against erotic moments in games I prefer my smut to take a back seat to plot. For my preferences, I like a lot of genres and a healthy bit of mixing and matching. Horror, action, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary -- I can find something in all of them. I enjoy group games as long as there are four or fewer players, but smaller groups and solo games are preferred. I wish I could keep up with fast-paced games, but about the most I can do is one post per day. I'm a highly literate gamer, though I'm as prone to mistakes as anyone. :D I don't believe a post has to meet a minimum word count to be viable; sometimes concise and laconic is better -- but I try not to skimp on describing my character. I am, in fact, very prone to describing the inner workings of my characters, which is often probably interesting but useless in the context of the other players. XD I like playing non-human or animal characters whenever I have the option. Hobbies and interests, hooo... Um. Let's see: I'm an illustrator and graphic designer, or at least that's what I'm paid to do. I love playing videogames (right now I'm enjoying Vermintide 2), I'm an avid reader (just finished a book of Stephen King shorts), I'm in the process of trying to continue my university studies in French, and I'm generally at the beck-and-call of three cats. I like to hike and camp, and I'm a bit of an amateur rock hound. I'm a huge fan of Transformers, more specifically the setting, characters, and plot of IDW/James Roberts' comics; and a massive fan of Doctor Who as well (classic and new, including 13). Thanks for stopping by. :) I'll try to keep my profile updated with my interests and preferences, as well as any game concepts I already have kicking around in my head, but feel free to send me a message if any of this looks interesting to you.