[@CaptainSully] [color=0054a6][u][i][center][h1]COLDA[/h1][/center][/i][/u][/color] Colda was smiling at Sam's compliment of his powers, "I was taught most of my abilities by my father" He said answering his question. Tapping on his scouter while he was looking up and sensing a powerful person that passed them, Thinking it was the person that killed his family and would gladly take pleasure in killing that person. Without thinking about he gave Sam his answer, "I will fight this fiend" He said to Sam nodding his head. He was getting quite exciting that he would be fighting the person that killed his family, But he may find that his assumption would be quite wrong. "When can we go fight this menace?" He asked Sam wanting to get into another fight and even saving the earth. That thought pleased him greatly, Rubbing his shoulder and stretching a little. Both mentally and physically preparing himself.