Despite Barak Varr's reputation for being a more open minded and welcoming Dwarf Hold compared to its more conservative brother holds, King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk is a staunch traditionalist, and there are still many roads the traveling manlings (and Grungni forbid, Elgi) do not know of, nor ever would know of. To any non-Dwarf, the approach to the hold by land looked nondescript, as if the roads led straight into a rise in the rock. However, any Dawi would see the the faint signs and cuts in the rock, along with the imprints in the stone that would designate these roads as well traveled and that the cliff was far more than it appeared. Even standing upon the cliff's edge, if one were to see a ship sail into Barak Varr, it would seem destined to crash upon the walls of the rocky shoreline. However, be it by the water's current or Dawi hands (probably both), a massive cavern connected to the sea houses one of the largest port cities in the old world, where even non-Dwarfs are met with famous hospitality as long as they have coin to spend and business to deal in. It was within the vast cavern of Barak Varr these brave few found themselves, having answered the call of a notable and honorable Longbeard known as Malgrim Copperbeard. One of the merchant thanes of the hold, who set out couriers to the four corners of Dwarfdon claiming he had a map of the lost hold of Ekrund, and would share in the spoils and honor of all who sought to aid him in this quest, a bloodoath his great great great great great grandfather had sworn when the hold had first been taken by the foul Urk. Copperbeard's headquarters was within the wall of the cavern, as many prominent buildings were, on the east side of the hold. The rock had been carved at the fore to be perfectly straight, like a readily built stone wall, with torches meticuliously placed every dozen feet, and a massive carving of a helmeted Dwarf's head and beard overhanging the entrance to create the arch of the 'archway.' Both of the Dwarf's eyes were lit aflame. Within, the Dawi would find the elder sitting atop his hearth chair, ornately created with intricate carvings so cut to perfection only a Dwarf could achieve. Malgrim Copperbeard's name was very accurate, his beard a bright hue of reddish blonde. An agate jewel was placed within the socket of his left eye. He wore a resplendent gromril chain hauberk with a waistcoat made of fine goat hide. Framing the raised platform he sat upon, were two Dawi warriors encased in fine plate and gromril axes. Next to them was a plump Dwarf with a blonde beard and an extravagant mustache, studiously holding a miniature Book of Grudges. "Hail and well met, brave Dawi. Step forward and announce who ye are." The scholarly Dwarf said, gazing through spectacles.