[center][h2][b]Corps[/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=Ease of Browsing] [center][h3][i]ArcNet[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SgMtYLP.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] ArcNet, the very mention of the largest Media Corp in existence sends a shiver down most people’s spines and strikes fear in the hearts of Deckers. ArcNet is, by far, the largest provider of Net systems and products as well as having control over a majority of media based systems that citizens use on a daily basis. That Digi-Phone? Made by ArcNet. News outlets? Owned by ArcNet. The very system that you home’s Net runs on? Made by and monitored by ArcNet. They are the all seeing eye of the Corps and yet one of the least socially involved of all of them. Unlike most Corps, ArcNet doesn’t peddle their products to citizens nor do they have to, they have a near total monopoly of all systems. Rather, ArcNet’s most major involvement in the social system is through their interactions with the various other Corps. ArcNet is, by all standards, the neutral Corps and stands with no single Corps ArcNet often produces and sells Net systems and subsystems to the other Corps and is often well known for storing backup data for those willing to pay the hefty fee. It is, however, well known among Deckers that nobody has ever managed to hack into ArcNet’s system itself and, as such, rumors have appeared in various places that the Net provided to other Corps is a heavily downgraded system. There even exist such a rumor that ArcNet’s system is so well enforced because they have been doing Black Market data selling, a belief which is primarily supported by the anonymous DarkNet members who supposedly leak data from their Corp. [center][h3][i]Lotus[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/S9O8iPb.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Lotus, one of the greatest of the Corps to rise from the Chrome Age and one of the longest standing of all of them. Lotus is best known for their development of military Magi-Tech and rose to power over their Magi-Tech power systems. The Magi-Gen is, by far, one of the greatest inventions of the Chrome Age and Lotus’s crowning achievement, next to Lotus city of course. The Magi-Gen it is a generator powered by Ark Crystals, a pure and untainted source of magical energy which appeared after the Sundering. Ark Crystals have been shown to be able to power an average city block for a day on an ounce. On top of that, Lotus is the only company thus far which has discovered a way to recharge Ark Crystals and, as such, have made a great deal of money off the use of Magi-Gen systems and the resale of crystals. However, their more well known creation are Magi-Tech weapons such as the Vorpal line of swords, Terra armor, and Manifest guns. The Magi-Tech of such systems allow casters of all types to influence how their weapons or armor work by the usage of their magic. The Vorpal swords are best known for the insanely sharp edge they hold but also the fact that a well enough trained caster can change the weapon’s form at will. Terra armor is near impossible to penetrate due to the magical field which dampens attacks and can totally block magical attacks with a strong enough user. Manifest guns are, by far, the greatest weapons that Lotus has ever made. Manifest guns allow summoners to quickly channel their spells place their summons greater distances away from them as well as fire rounds of pure magical energy. They are, however, the hardest weapons to control and can totally drain a user of magical energy should they lack care. Lotus’ lesser known creations and, perhaps, the black sheep of them all were the drugs Faze, Prometheus, and Lupus. Faze is a magic based drug which results in vivid hallucinations in most users as well as replenishing magical energy. It is a favoured Black Market drug for summoners due to the large drain of their summons. Prometheus is a drug which enhances the user’s physical abilities and allows them ignore severe fatigue. In military use it was a wonder drug as it often allowed soldiers to fight hard for longer however its drawback was a near comatose state if too large of a dose is administered. Those who enter withdrawal of Prometheus tend to be extremely violent and have been known to go so far as to kill for another dose. Lupus is the most mild of Lotus’ drugs as it was primarily a drug for treating Aug and body mod rejections. For people with many Augs or a near total body mod to be something… more than natural, Lupus is their only option so as to prevent a painful death. Lupus, however, suppresses pain and quickly became a highly addictive drug for those without Augs. Some never come back from the high of Lupus, simply sitting and staring blindly in the distance. [center][h3][i]Tokyo Robotics[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wuctsIQ.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Tokyo Robotics is the newest Corp on the scene and saw its rise late into the Chrome Age, though it accelerated quickly to the top with its research and development into robotic systems, automation, and security implementation. In the early years of Tokyo Robotics they were merely a company whose focus was, primarily, in the automation of systems so as to assist other Corps. As time went on, however, Tokyo Robotics quickly expanded into the creation of Robotics systems and their implementation into Corp Sec. They were the first Corp to ever introduce Security bots capable of being deployed if there's ever an intrusion into their Net, even going so far as to produce bots capable of autonomous action to prevent such issues. As time went on, Tokyo Robotics expanded their systems to other Corps resulting in a majority of the large Corps, barring Lotus and Delta engineering, adopting the Security bots as a second line of defence against intruders. Some governments have even gone so far as to use the security bots as an expendable police force. However, Lotus City is one of the few places in the world where the Security bots are primarily held by a select few Corps and are heavily regulated. Some believe that Lotus’ position on the security bots is simply a money grabbing ploy to extract more cash from Tokyo Robotics however there are some on the DarkNet who have proposed more nefarious theories. Some forums on the DarkNet have proposed that Tokyo Robotics is simply a puppet company for the Yakuza in Japan, their first foray into the Chrome Age tech that had originally put them in danger. This theory is heavily supported by the mysterious background of the executives of Tokyo Robotics, many of which whose histories can only be traced back a decade or so before the company’s creation. However, the Japanese government has made no formal statement on the validity of such information nor has any solid data been uncovered from decking to support such claims. [center][h3][i]Delta Engineering[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/puefbf5.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Delta Engineering, the most influential developers of the Chrome Age and one of the leading producers in Augs. In the early Chrome Age, Delta Engineering rose from the crumbling social system of America as a grand beacon, developing systems to enhance the quality of life of many in its home nation and developing massive systems for construction. It is through Delta Engineering that the construction of Lotus City was even possible, through Delta that Tokyo Robotics even had the subsystems in place to automate the development of robots. Delta eventually expanded out into the military application of mechanized body frames, allowing soldiers to lift more than normal. Eventually they created Mech Suits, though little did they know that such systems would later be applied to a internationally favoured sport. However, the greatest achievement of Delta was their creation of Augs which, in place of prosthetics, allowed those missing limbs to easily function in society once more. Early Augs were primarily meant for everyday assistance however eventually the developments advanced to enhance the body and its functions. Decks could be installed a neural system to implement chips for enhanced senses, arms could be replaced to allow the average person to lift more, lungs replaced to easily process out smog filled air. Some, however, wanted to go even further with augs. They replaced their eyes to allow them to have facial recognition, their skin and muscles laced with nano-filaments to make them more durable. Eventually the cost of such Augs would strike many users, many turning to Lupus to deal with the rejection of their systems. However, the dark history of Augs was primarily overlooked by Delta Engineering as they delved more into the development of social systems and enhancement of general quality of life. It is Delta Engineering who created the first Magi-Lift, though it was done so in tandem with Lotus. Their creation of Magi-Lifts was monumental as it reduced the cost, emissions, and time of travelling long distances and inside city. Their transportation tech has single-handedly reduced the smog in most cities to a more manageable amount, though places such as Beijing and Shanghai still suffer heavily from their emissions. [/hider] [center][h2][b]Shanghai, Nagasaki, Lotus City[/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=Ease of Browsing 2: Neon Boogaloo] [center][h3][i]Shanghai[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/agXvBn1_460s.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Shanghai is, perhaps, one of the few remaining places in the modern world that has successfully integrated the new tech of the Chrome Age with a postmodern aesthetic. Their streets are crammed with people and few have transportation from Delta Engineering yet most of their systems have already been integrated by ArcNet. The city boasts the largest number of Augs of any major Chinese city and the lowest incident rate associated with them, however it is assumed that many of the Augs are illegally obtained due to the massive influence gangs have over Shanghai. It is well known that Shanghai is primarily controlled by the Dragon Syndicate and White Lotus, though smaller gangs have found their way into the system and managed to avoid annihilation by the larger gangs. Despite the hatred which many Chinese officials have for the syndicates of Shanghai, they are without a doubt the most valuable asset they have. Due to the influence which Lotus has over mainland Asia and Japan, Shanghai has become a hotspot for government activity and the hiring of deckers and contract mercs to attempt to infiltrate the city. Though the Syndicate and White Lotus have been unable to breach Lotus City security thus far, the attempts have never stopped and, as such, have resulted in a large drain on the Corp Sec forces for Lotus. Despite all this, there have been whispers that the two big gangs of Shanghai are simply a distraction for Lotus while smaller gangs and freelancers have been actively infiltrating the City. Though there has been no data to support such a rumour, it is undeniable that China will stop at nothing to obtain Lotus City. [center][h3][i]Nagasaki[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/573/998/large/liu-jie-4.jpg?1513657214[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Much of Nagasaki has been fully integrated with the Chrome Age tech and has especially been influenced by Tokyo Robotics and their operating HQ within the city. While Nagasaki is the primary entry point from Japan to Lotus city, there have been little attempts by the Japanese government to perform infiltrations such as those that happen in Shanghai. Rather it is well known that Nagasaki has been Tokyo Robotics territory and, despite their denial of Yakuza activity, was once home to a large portion of Yakuza members. Lotus City security has already expected the Yakuza infiltration of the city and have been trying to prevent any growth in the presence. The Yakuza have, however, been pests which the security has never been able to fully squash. Similarly so in Nagasaki, the presence of Tokyo Robotics has only grown and become more of a pressing issue for Lotus. While Nagasaki is a primarily peaceful city, at least compared to Shanghai, near every small time Corp and business in the city has an integrated Security bot system from Tokyo Robotics done so under the pretense that it ‘Prevents Crime’. However, in light of a security breach which released documents showing an ever growing interest in Lotus City by Tokyo Robotics, the number of security bot systems have only increased in Nagasaki. As such the city has become nigh impossible to escape once a Decker has hacked into the Net. Near every route out of the city patrolled by security bots. Unwanted or unpleasant visitors to the city have a tendency to disappear, likely taken by Tokyo Robotics Corp Sec for ‘questioning’. Whatever or whoever is working behind the scenes at Nagasaki has made the city a fortress, one of the few threats to Lotus City. [center][color=#0039e6][h3]Lotus City: the Neon Jewel[/h3][/color] [hr] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/574/002/large/liu-jie-5.jpg?1513657230[/img][/center] [i]Welcome valued Citizens to Lotus City, we at Lotus hope you will enjoy your time here. In the meantime…[/i] The sounds of the city faded in an out as the tram flew through the city, its circuitous route showing the neon lit city in the full glory of the setting sun. People were crammed onto the train, some new imports to the city looking to strike it big, some merely travelers from Shanghai or Nagasaki. Lotus City had originally been planned to be nothing more than a utopia for the big wigs of Lotus, a way to escape the dregs of society and the smog filled air of the big cities. It was a big step forward for any corp to take and a bold move to claim the City as neither property of Japan or China even with its position between the two. Plans, however, fell through quickly as Lotus realized that the city simply could not run on their executives salaries, at least not without upsetting them more than was necessary. Lotus City soon became a hub for immigrants from the nearby countries, pulling in wannabe millionaires and realists alike. Some saw it as a chance to make a name for themselves by joining Lotus at the HQ and some simply saw it as an escape from the violence of the gangs which ruled China and the Yakuza who held the finances of Japan. Soon the other Corps moved into Lotus City, buying out their own portion of the land and freeing themselves from overbearing governments of other nations. Now, now Lotus City truly was a site to behold in the glory of its neon lights and shining chrome. On every corner you could find men and women from almost any nation, their profession varying just as much in the process. It became a haven for the ill-loved of society, the forgotten and hated, augs, deckers, you name it. Even more so was the surprisingly lax view Lotus had for Elves and Orcs, welcoming them as if they were no different from humans. Reality, however, was far from what people liked to believe it to be. The downtrodden and poor were subjected to the worst treatment in the slums; no freedom from the gangs which had plagued them. Augs were forced to register themselves to Lotus, to pay a fee every month based on what they had. A ‘Citizen Protection’ fee they called it, just another excuse to in case an aug went wild. Even the Elves and Orcs faced the same prejudice they had before, finding it hard to integrate with the local population and find jobs, even being forced into separate districts than humans. [/hider] [center][h2][b]Races[/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=Ease of Browsing 3: Chrome Revenge] [center][h3][i]Elves[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/01/bc/f4/01bcf470cace4ed1653219b68d63fedd.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] The Sundering left behind a few races Earth had never seen before, bringing to life creatures had had been nothing more than fantasy in books. The Elves were one such race and have been one of the most widely accepted races since the Sundering. In the early years of the Sundering, the Elves were isolationist who clung to their old ways of worshiping the magic from their home land. It took decades for them to begin integration with society on Earth and, even then, many to this day still form conclaves in cities to cling to their old ways and teach the young of magic. Elves are the most magically skilled race on Earth and have been a great asset to Lotus as such. Lotus’ support of the Elves has resulted in the formation of almost a dozen conclaves inside of Lotus cities as well as a growing acceptance of the race. However many Elves are still prejudiced due to their longer than average lives and the isolationist attitudes that many of the conclaves have. Even without that, a few Conclaves use the lax nature of Lotus to operate as criminal groups inside of the city. Often they exact tolls for ‘security’ and passage through their territory, driving away a large portion of the human populace. [center][h3][i]Orcs[/i][/h3] [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2f/5e/7f/2f5e7fbd22189016308dd57330825774.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] It comes as no surprise that the villains of many fantasy stories, the rough and rowdy Orcs, face one of the greatest prejudices on Earth out of any race. Orcs love to fight and their culture has kept them active on Earth since the beginning of the Sundering, though it was often through territory disputes with countries and brawls between humans and Orcs. Often times Orcs can be found in bars drinking or fighting, likely winning in both for that matter. Despite the prejudice facing them, many Orcs have struck out to make a name for themselves and some have even become valued soldiers for armies or mercenaries for Corp Sec. Even the excellent combative skills of an Orc cannot, however, draw away one’s attention from their features. Most orcs feature prominent fangs and slightly pointed ears, finding themselves often compared more to boars than any human or elf. However, most notable feature they have is their skin tone which often comes in varied shades of grey-green or red. Orcs are often larger than humans in every way and even Elves cannot match the sheer size of the brutes. In Lotus City, Orcs have easily found their home inside the Mech Boxing sport and often can be found there or working as mercs. [/hider]