[i]Arkham Knight[/i] as a whole was just one big wet fart to end an otherwise brilliant trilogy. (I've never played [i]Origins[/i], so it can't speak to it.) Didn't help that it fell victim to my least favorite trope: The "I've got a big reveal and shut up you haven't figured it out yet because I'm so clever and you're gonna be so surprised and oh it's exactly what you predicted from the beginning" trope. ... I'm sure TVTropes has a more concise name for it. EDIT: Apparently, it's what happens when you [url=https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TropeTelegraphing]Telegraph the Trope[/url] of [url=https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CanonCharacterAllAlong]Canon Character All Along[/url]. EDIT 2: Sidenote, I am now trapped on TVTropes. Send help in you don't hear from me again in the next few days.