[center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6059/c58108d3f23a315bca29859c2aae44d63c62fae1_hq.jpg[/img][/center][right][hr][color=gray][b]Fujioka Senior High, Kurosuoba, Japan[/b] April 3, 2018 [b][color=white]|[/color][/b] 7:00 am[/color][hr][/right][indent]7:00 AM. As the minutes passed, the grounds of Fujioka Senior High began to fill with activity. Teachers toiled away inside the school, finalizing their preparations for the school year whilst a growing number of students awaited outside the yet to be opened gates. One teacher in particular, [url=https://i.imgur.com/azndj3i.png]Kurihara Tsuru[/url], had finished her preparations earlier than the rest. The staff board had put her on gate duty, placing Kurihara-sensei in charge of opening the gate each morning and ensuring that all students made it to class on time. With the stress of each new school year leaving her more wearier than how she was before, Kurihara-sensei wasn't particularly enthused to have to deal with slowpokes. Someone being late meant more paperwork, and more paperwork meant a hassle. Still, it was something she had to deal with. Once the clock struck seven, Kurihara-sensei had made her way to the front gates, where a number of students had been waiting to be let in. Unlatching the locking mechanism, Kurihara-sensei dragged the large metal gate open across the walkway. When the gate was secured, Kurihara-sensei turned to the students, and addressed them as a whole. [b][color=violet]"Hurry up, now. You all don't want to be late to class on your first day."[/color][/b][/indent]