[center][@Renny][@Weird Tales][/center] The monkey man made a grave miscalculation. He got cocky and assumed the pink creature was dead. It was understandable though, as pretty much any other creature would indeed have died. But Momo lived, the ribbons of his body writhed in midair, some of them being flung from the monkey man's arm. But not all of them, one stray ribbon managed to cling to the young Saiyan's shoulder. And it writhed more angrily than others. Even as the Saiyan arrogantly charged at the other, the pink remains of Momo's body seemed to dissipate into microscopic pieces that flew after the last remaining ribbon, too small for the naked eye to see. Even the Scouter would detect no power level, not from disembodied ribbons of pink and gooey flesh. But when the younger Saiyan had gotten close to the other, Momo sprung his trap. The truth was, his body had been regenerating all this time. He had to use some Ki to speed it up, but he regenerated just enough to morph his body into an elastic chord of sorts that proceeded to ensnare the two Saiyans. Then one end of the chord morphed itself into Momo's head who glared with absolute anger and hatred at both warriors, "Monkey Men pick fight! Monkey Men hurt Momo!" his Ki rose with his words, probably reflected in the Saiyan's scouter, "Now Momo MAKE YOU DEAD!" and all at once, his elastic body exploded. Every ounce of Ki and even life force was poured into the angry act. At that final moment he was probably much stronger than he was previously, at the very least he was going to make God bleed before he died. One last act of sheer defiance and willpower before the Majin died, for real this time. [hr] [center][@TheForgottenArc][@geminironin][/center] The crash site looked all too familiar. The shape of the crater was nearly identical to the one outside his home village. But unlike that site, this one still bore the spherical shape of a vessel. It perfectly matched the description Nam had gave of the first one. There was no mistaking that this was indeed a Saiyan spacepod. A cloaked figure had ventured close to the vessel, even going so far as to place an outstretched hand on the object before retracting it quickly. From under his hood, the cloaked individual jerked their gaze skyward. A spiked level of Ki, and it wasn't terribly far away either. The way Ki felt when in battle versus resting was like night and day to this particular person. Whoever the Ki belonged to, they were obviously fighting someone. But for the life of him he couldn't figure out who. It was like whoever the person's opponent was had no Ki whatsoever. Strange, but there was no time to ponder over oddities. The figure, who had been previously walking on his journey, suddenly lifted up off the ground. It was slow at first, but it picked up speed into full-fledged flight. The cloak he wore fluttered harshly in the wind as he flew forward, on a direct trajectory toward the source of the rising and falling Ki. He normally didn't like announcing his presence in such a way, but the figure was short on time. Whatever this apparent battle was about, it could be over soon and he needed to reach the Ki before it could vanish from his senses. After a moment, a battle did indeed come into view. The cloaked figure looked down and observed the tailed woman as she violently beat her opponent into the ground. What would have normally been a critical blow turned out to be less so for the opponent, who came back with a violent kick of his own. It was at this time that the cloaked figure noted that the man was the one who seemed to possess no Ki. All the Ki he could sense was coming squarely from the woman. [i]I have to step in before she can be killed![/i] The cloaked figure dropped straight down, putting himself right in between the combatants, and even raised his own Ki before the explosive wave of his Shougekiha burst forth and - while non threatening at his current level of Ki - would at least push the two apart and hopefully interrupt the conflict. The figure's attention was mostly on the woman, but he did make sure to always be listening for movements from her opponent. Even if he had no Ki, that didn't mean he wouldn't make noises when moving or attacking, "Forgive my intrusion." said the figure in a shockingly polite tone, even offering a bow of greeting to the woman. After this he lifted the cloak from his body and dropped it to the ground. This revealed his full form to both individuals. He took a few steps toward the woman, reaching into his one-armed Gi and retrieving a piece of a paper. He held the paper up for the woman to see, it turning out to be a photo of a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonballfanon/images/8/89/King_Onio.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131130014534]man with a tail[/url] just like her own, "Have you ever met this man? Please tell me."