[@Weird Tales][@Renny] I just want you to know that I was originally only going to try that on Raditz alone. But then Taeto sort of aggro'd Momo so it became the attack you see in the post instead. My deepest apologies for liberties taken, but in my defense I was basically killing off Momo so... exception? He's basically just pulling a Chiaotzu and dying on his own terms. I don't expect the attack to kill anyone, or even cripple them... but maybe some visual battle damage so Momo's last act isn't completely worthless? I'd rather him go out like a boss rather than a punk. [@TheForgottenArc][@geminironin] Again, I am deeply sorry for taking a few liberties. I just wanted to write Momo out and Yang in in one fell swoop. I swear this is only time I'll ever do something like that in the RP. Promise. Oh and for the record, Yang does [i]not[/i] have a tail.