[h1][center][color=lime]Danny Reid[/color] & [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181015/5ceecc7538164d6fcf8526b3db450793.png[/img][/center][/h1][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kYcnoDz.jpg?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/r0kQiuz.png?1[/img][/center] [hr][center][h3]Collab with [@almalthia] & [@c3p-0h][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Danny pushed his bright red hair off his forehead and looked around a bit dazed.[color=lime] "Did I just see a guy chug apple juice then milk then strip?"[/color] He looked around and his blue-green eyes landed on the girl that the "stripper" had been talking to. He was a bit on the tall side about six foot he smiled absently thinking how she was tiny like Lily his best friend since he came to the school. Lily was always telling him he needed to talk to people. Well here he was trying it out. He'd see how it fit. Aya jumped, startled at the voice to her side. She looked up to see a tall boy with a shock of red hair. Her eyes widened, her cheeks warming even more at being caught staring. She blinked, trying to get her mind back into gear. [color=aquamarine]"He, um..."[/color] Aya looked back to the entryway, trying to figure out how to explain the situation. [color=aquamarine]"He had a bad night."[/color] Aya wanted to melt into the floor. Danny chuckled.[color=lime] "Seems so. I'm being rude my name is Danny."[/color] He didn't hold his hand out then blinked and belatedly held it out.[color=lime] "Sorry don't do this often. Plus the display was a bit distracting."[/color] [i]Distracting[/i]. Aya's mind drifted to the image of his back again; muscled, dripping -- [color=aquamarine]"[i]Aya[/i],"[/color] she said, like she was surprised at her own name -- or like she was scolding herself. She snapped her hand out into Danny's and shook a little too quickly. [color=aquamarine]"I don't really do this either,"[/color] she said with a shaky smile. She pulled her hand back, fighting to get control over herself. [color=aquamarine]"Nice to meet you, Danny."[/color] Danny smiled serenely.[color=lime] "Lily tells me the next line of conversation should be something like 'Nice to meet you' or something like that. But I think since we are practically drooling at the same sight I'll ask...Who was that and where can I get one?"[/color] Better to let on that he preferred the opposite sex as friends and the same as partners now. He'd had that awkward conversation before it wasn't pleasant. Aya's eyes widened. [color=aquamarine]"I wasn't -- no, he's --"[/color] Aya was fairly certain she looked like a tomato. [i][color=aquamarine]God, just let me die.[/color][/i] At a loss for anything else to do, Aya buried her face in her hands. Maybe if she couldn't see anyone, she'd just [i]stop existing[/i]. She looked up at Danny between her fingers. [color=aquamarine]"I don't know his name,"[/color] she finally said, her defeated voice muffled from behind her hands. Danny's eye widened at Aya's reaction and he muttered.[color=lime] "Shit..."[/color] He wasn't good with people and this proved it. He'd reduced Aya to tears with a few sentences. He shuffled his feet awkwardly he wasn't good with girls crying plus he was responsible for this now. He really didn't know what to do now. He leaned down and moved her hands from her face.[color=lime] "Hey I don't know his name either. Maybe it's something really silly like...Butch...or Amberose...or Blaze something like that."[/color] He smiled weakly at the implication. Still holding her hands he tugged Aya gently to the stairs.[color=lime] "Come on I'll make up making you depressed by showing you something really cool."[/color] He grabbed a couple of apples and laid a couple of dollars on the counter. He rolled her apple down his arm and popped it into the air with his elbow and caught it very reminiscent of the scene in Aladdin.[color=lime] "I promise that wasn't it. Something cooler."[/color] Aya could only follow after Danny in quiet mortification. A smile cracked as he listed the possible names. [color=aquamarine]"He introduced himself last night as Professor Plum,"[/color] she supplied, her nerves beginning to calm. Aya watched as Danny got fancy with the apple. [color=aquamarine]"I'm sorry, I'm really fine,"[/color] she said. [color=aquamarine]"I'm just..."[/color] [i]a thirsty idiot[/i] [color=aquamarine]"an embarrassment."[/color] Danny grinned.[color=lime] "What a coincidence me too."[/color] He gently lead her outside into the sunshine and he tilted his head to the light and took a deep breath. He let it out slowly and blushed a little then leaned down and swept his hands in a flourish and suddenly where he passed his hands flowers sprung up. He looked up and gave the Peter Pan stance grinning. Aya couldn't help the delighted laugh that bubbled out of her at seeing the flowers. She crouched down, reaching out to touch them with the tips of her fingers. Soft petals brushed at her skin. She smiled up at Danny. [color=aquamarine]"That's amazing,"[/color] she said. She looked back down at the delicate flowers. As scary as mutations were... sometimes they could be something beautiful. Aya stood back up. [color=aquamarine]"Thank you. Have you been at the school for very long?"[/color] Danny rubbed the back of his neck.[color=lime] "Well all this summer really. That's the extent. Haven't seen you around much. How long have you been here Aya?"[/color] [color=aquamarine]"A day,"[/color] she confessed. One day, and she'd already made an ass of herself. [color=aquamarine]"I missed the first day of classes. You're the fourth person I've even spoken to."[/color] Danny nodded.[color=lime] "That would be why I haven't seen you around. Well other than in classes you're the third person I've spoken to. I keep to myself. Easier that way. No one expects too much then. Lily saw me out here pampering the flowers and pretty much strong armed me into talking to her. I don't mind so much. She's always on to me about getting to know people. Don't get me wrong I like people it's just getting to know someone is...well awkward. Plus I'm a chatter box once you get me outside or really get to know me."[/color] He smiled sheepishly knowing he'd said more than he normally did but she seemed so excited about his powers and more comfortable now that they were away from that weird scene in the lounge. Aya raised an amused eyebrow as Danny babbled. [color=aquamarine]"I haven't met Lily yet. She sounds like my friend from high school."[/color] Aya's smile faltered as she thought of Christina. She hadn't spoken to her in months. [color=aquamarine]"I was never really the social type either, though,"[/color] she said, forcing her thoughts back to the present. She closed her mouth then, looking up at Danny and trying to find the proper words. [color=aquamarine]"Thank you, though. For talking to me, and showing me the flowers, I mean. I'm sorry I was so weird at first."[/color] Danny genuinely smiled. He was rather pretty when he did. He lost the uncompromising emo look and gained a Peter Pan like quality.[color=lime] "Well we'll just have to correct that oversight and you'll have to sit with us at lunch. I won't take no for an answer. Oh you're welcome and you weren't as weird as Professor Plum chugging juice then milk[i] then[/i] doing his impression of Magic Mike."[/color] Aya laughed at Danny's description. [color=aquamarine]"I'd love to sit with you,"[/color] she said. Aya was surprised with how much she meant it. She wasn't normally the social type, but she was in a new school... a new [i]state[/i]. It was nice to have someone she could call a friend. He hadn't even asked her about her own power, though she knew that in all likelihood the question would come up [i]eventually[/i]. But until then, it was nice to feel normal. Aya's stomach chose that moment to growl. [i]Loudly[/i]. Her cheeks heated. [color=aquamarine]"I uh, haven't had breakfast yet."[/color] Danny laughed softly picked some flowers and held his arm out like a gentleman to Aya.[color=lime] "Shall we then?"[/color] He lead them to the cafeteria minus the hand holding. As they got inside he seemed a little more guarded.[color=lime] "The cafeteria. Better than the lounge. Come on we can find the cereal at least."[/color] Aya glanced up at him, feeling the way his arm tensed under her own. She gave him a light pat with her hand. Giving him an encouraging smile, she said, [color=aquamarine]"Cereal sounds perfect."[/color] Aya looked around as they made their way to the counter, the cereal dispenser showing an array of options -- cornflakes, wheat squares, and colorful bits of sugar sat beside a stack of bowls. Unlooping her arm from Danny's, Aya grabbed two bowls and offered one. [color=aquamarine]"So, what's the school like? Anything interesting happen so far?"[/color] Aya poured herself some cornflakes with almond milk. Danny smiled.[color=lime] "I forgot you didn't get here till after the crater was made. Some guy taking exception to another one talking to his girl about tutoring in Calc of all things."[/color] He looked disgusted and shook it off.[color=lime] "So yeah not much really important. No much gets past someone who fades into the background. I can't complain too much about it though. When do your classes start today? I'll keep track of time and get you to class on time."[/color] Aya did a double take when Danny said crater. Though, she supposed she really shouldn't be surprised. Teenagers with super powers were still gonna get into stupid fights... just with more collateral damage. At least Aya was typically one to keep her head down. Maybe she could avoid getting involved in any drama for the school year. She smiled up at Danny when he offered to get her to class on time. It was sweet that he wanted to look out for her like that. Actually, everyone that she'd spoken to at this school so far seemed to want to help in some way. Maybe there was just something inherently nurturing about this school. Aya felt something in her chest warm and relax a bit at the thought. Reaching into her bag to look for her schedule, she began to shake her head. [color=aquamarine]"Oh, I can..."[/color] Aya trailed off. Her eyebrows pulled together. She turned her head down to look in her bag. [color=aquamarine]"I... think I left my schedule in my room."[/color] She gave an embarrassed laugh. [color=aquamarine]"It's fine,"[/color] she said. [color=aquamarine]"I think I start a bit later on Tuesdays. We can eat and I'll just go back and grab it after."[/color] Aya closed her bag, grabbing her bowl of cereal. Together, the two found a table to enjoy their meal.