[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] With a flash of light, Alicia and her companions materialized in an alleyway near the cathedral. It was less conspicuous than appearing right on top of the building, and it was more likely to prevent magical interference as well. It wasn't as if they were terribly far anyway so she wasn't too worried about the distance from their target. Now that they were here she took the moment to transform, so she could plunge into battle as a magical girl rather than a normal one. Once she was done, she emerged from the alley and assessed the situation. It looked like the witches were already in combat with other magical girls, though she didn't immediately recognize who the enemy combatants were. Aside from the aerial dogfight though, there didn't seem to be any other major combat going on. That she could see anyway. Having gotten a feel for the situation, she barked out her orders. "I'll come at them from the sky. Janet, hit them from below. Summer, get in close on the roof. We'll box them in and then shift them to the Overcity. That should remove the threat to the congregation." She wasted little time in carrying out her own directions, wings of ethereal light blossoming into existence as her bow appeared in hand as well. Marshaling her strength, she took to the sky in a blast of upward wind, making her presence known at the same time in quite the manner. She took aim at the nearby battle from her aloof location, looking at the fight and casting magical energy into her strung light as she put magic into play. "Star Seraph, keep my aim true and firm," she said before firing. Streaking across the sky, these arrows of light would be trickier to dodge as they followed their target. Given enough space once passed by, they might even loop around for a second shot at their target. At the moment she mostly focused on those witches attacking the church. The others could be dealt with once that was over, if need be. Time to show this city that Beacon was still in the game. [@BrokenPromise][@MadManMoon][@t2wave][@Ariamis][@Majoras End][@DarkwolfX37]