[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img] [/center][color=darkgoldenrod][indent][sub][B]Location[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Hyrkania[/I] - [I]Vanaheim[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Issue #2.03:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Pain in the Axe[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]|[/COLOR] [color=black][B][sub]The Past[/sub][/B][/color] [INDENT]The brilliant aurora of the portal[SUP][COLOR=BLACK]1[/COLOR][/SUP] opened high above the treeline as its swirling energies illuminated the darkness of the pitch black night sky. The portal’s gaping maw opened towards the ground, expelling Thor from within its vortex and resigning the Asgardian’s fate to the undeniable pull of gravity. Falling through the still, cold air, the exiled Asgardian plummeted towards the ground, his descent slowed by the thick pines as the whistling wind in his ears ceased. Thor’s body bounced between the snow-laden branches of the massive evergreens, the cracking of wood echoed into the vastness of the night before being silenced as Thor hit the ground with a hard, resounding thud. The chill of the hardened snow burned against his bare skin quickly urging Thor to push himself to his feet. Catching his breath, the Asgardian struggled to regain his bearings as he searched at the unfamiliar surroundings for any recognizable marker. Peering through the darkness, the thick undergrowth hid the lay of the land from the exiled Prince. But between the branches, brightly burning amber eyes stared back at the fiery-haired Asgardian, watching as Thor leaned back against the coarse bark of a nearby tree. Howling echoed from within the grove of trees as the predator’s breath seeped through the pine needles, floating towards Thor. The branches suddenly shook as the snapping of wood echoed through the night. Splinters and needles flew through the air as they suddenly gave way, a snarling dire wolf emerging from within the shadows, pacing towards Thor while flanked on either side by its packmates. With no axe, no armor nor any clothes to speak of, Thor had to admit he wasn’t looking forward to this fight as the alpha broke into a run. Digging his feet into the snow, Thor braced himself as the massive wolf collided with him, sweeping the Asgardian off of his feet and carrying him clear of the pines and into the open. Thor’s cry of pain echoed through the cold air of the night as the beast’s teeth pierced his shoulder and side. Desperately struggling to gain some sort of advantage over the beast, Thor watched out of the corner of his eye as the rest of the pack sought to catch up to their alpha. They were moving to surround him, intent on ripping Thor limb from limb if the Asgardian didn’t do something quickly. Placing a hand on either side of the alpha’s maw, Thor pressed his bare feet against the ground, prying the animal’s jaws apart before briefly hoisted the alpha into the air and tossing the wolf aside as he struggled to catch his breath. He was ready for the next beast’s attack, swinging his fist until it collided with the damp nose atop the approaching snapping jaws. A satisfying yelp rang in his ears as Thor swung his other fist upwards, catching the beast across its chin which tossed its head to the side. Reaching out, Thor took a hold of the wolf’s thick coat, gripping the loose skin around its chest before he hurled the creature towards its packmates with all of his might. Extending a hand towards the sky, Thor called upon the power of the storm but the skies denied him, not even a single gust of wind blew as the God of Thunder tried in vain summon the fury of the storm. [b][color=#b8860b]“Father!”[/color][/b] Thor cursed aloud as another wolf came upon him. Catching the beast’s mouth before it closed around his torso, Thor heaved his arms apart and along with them, the creature’s skull as he snapped its jaws clean off nearly splitting the beast down the middle. [b][color=#b8860b]“Why have you abandoned me?”[/color][/b] He yelled towards the sky while taking a hold of the fallen wolf’s jaw, using the makeshift weapon to hold off the rest of the pack. Suddenly an arrow flew past Thor felling the nearest wolf as it pierced his skull. Another followed it striking another wolf, the barbed head burying itself in the wolf’s shoulder as it let out a howl of pain. Arrow after arrow descended upon the pack, driving them back into the forest as Thor spun around to face his rescuers. Suddenly an arrow buried itself in his chest as Thor let out a cry of surprise and rage. Spotting a pair of figures in the distance, Thor began to charge towards them, his bloodlust in full effect as he shrugged off another arrow as it pierced his bicep. A third arrow scrapped the side of his thigh as he drew near the mounted archers. As he closed the distance between them, Thor’s head began to spin, the world around him spinning as his pace began to falter. Within seconds he collapsed upon the snowy ground, his body unable to move as he laid there, helpless. The sound of hooves echoed in Thor’s ears as the attacking archers came closer before suddenly it ceased as the overwhelming smell of horse informed Thor they had come to a stop just out of his arms’ reach. A groan could be heard as the first rider dismounted, the snow crunching beneath his feet, echoing in Thor’s ears. A pair of crudely made fur boots filled his vision moments before Thor’s heavy eyelids closed, his world turning black as words became no more than muffled sounds. [color=#cccccc]<“He is built like bear.”>[/color] The first rider said, his tongue speaking in a language foreign to Thor’s ears as he examined the naked Asgardian before him. The sound of the second rider dismounting echoed across the sparse tundra, the loud clinking of mail beneath the heavy traveling cloak giving away his position as he approached the first. [color=#cccccc]<“And he can fight, well in fact.”>[/color] The second rider stated, speaking the same language as the first, his words and body language agreeing with the previous speaker’s assessment of the trophy before him. [color=#cccccc]<“Bring him then, he’ll make a fine addition to the Pit.”>[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=darkgoldenrod][indent][sub][B]Location[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Marville[/I] - [I]Oklahoma[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][/color][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]|[/COLOR] [color=black][B][sub]The Present[/sub][/B][/color] [INDENT]Opening the door to the Sheriff’s Office, Barbara felt the warmth of the interior breathe a pulse back into her chilled body as she escaped the frigid December air. Cupping her hands together, Barbara blew a blast of warm breath between her palms as she watched as a dark-skinned woman stand up from a chair before approaching her. The woman commanded a certain air of authority as she walked and it didn’t take a detective to realize that whoever she was, she was used to being in charge. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Barbara Norris?”[/color][/b] The woman asked as Barbara quickly rubbed her hands on the side of her pants before extending her right hand. [color=#4682b4]“That’d be me,”[/color] Barbara answered as the woman took her hand, gripping it in a way that made it clear the woman in front of her was used to dealing with men who thought they could push her around. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Supervisory Special Agent Julia Perry,”[/color][/b] The agent in front of her stated as she released Barbara’s hand. [b][color=#7b68ee]“I was wondering if there was someplace more private we could talk?”[/color][/b] [color=#4682b4]“Yes of course,”[/color] Barbara replied indicating for the Agent to follow her as the pair walked through the newly repaired hallway of the precinct[SUP][COLOR=BLACK]2[/COLOR][/SUP] before opening the door to one of the interrogation rooms. Switching the camera off, Barbara took a seat as Agent Perry follow suit. [color=#4682b4]“Oh wait, I’m so sorry,”[/color] Barbara said moving to get up, [color=#4682b4]“Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea, water?”[/color] She asked as Agent Perry smiled, shaking her head. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Oh no, I’m good, but thank you.”[/color][/b] She replied as Barbara eased herself back into her seat. [color=#4682b4]“So, Special Agent, what is this all about?”[/color] Barbara asked, relaxing her hands on the table as Agent Perry reached into her jacket, withdrawing a small, transparent rectangle. Unfolding the paper thin piece of glass, Agent Perry pressed her thumb to the bottom as the screen came to life. Handing the device to Barbara, Agent Perry began to speak as Barbara had to stop herself from gawking. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Three months ago, an invaluable asset was stolen from the Triskelion archives in Washington.”[/color][/b] Agent Perry stated as the screen displayed the asset in question. [color=#4682b4]“Sorry,”[/color] Barbara interrupted, [color=#4682b4]“One, what organization did you say you were from?”[/color] She asked, [color=#4682b4]“And uh, two, around here, we call that an axe.”[/color] Barbara stated as she pointed to the object on the screen. [b][color=#7b68ee]“My apologies, [i]Deputy[/i]”[/color][/b] Agent Perry replied as she pulled out her badge, displaying the falcon shaped emblem to the deputy. [b][color=#7b68ee]“I’m with S.H.I.E.L.D. and that axe,”[/color][/b] She paused, [b][color=#7b68ee]“Is from Asgard.”[/color][/b] As a look of recognition passed over Barbara’s face, Julia allowed herself a moment of satisfaction while Barbara recomposed herself. [color=#4682b4]“If you’ll excuse me for a second,”[/color] Barbara stated as she stood, [color=#4682b4]“I think I need a drink of water.”[/color] [b][color=#7b68ee]“Of course,”[/color][/b] Agent Perry replied, [b][color=#7b68ee]“And if I might say, Deputy,”[/color][/b] She added, [b][color=#7b68ee]“That is a beautiful ring.”[/color][/b] Perry finished, nodding towards Barbara’s engagement ring. [color=#4682b4]“Uh, thanks,”[/color] Barbara replied dismissively before closing the door as she walked into the hallway, pulling her cell phone from her pocket as she quickly dialed Blake’s number. [color=#b8860b]“Hey, you! Heimdall and I are just about to-”[/color] Blake’s voice answered as Barbara quickly spoke into the phone. [color=#4682b4]“There’s a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent here at the office asking about some sort of Asgardian axe.”[/color] [b][color=#b8860b]“What’s the Agent’s name?”[/color][/b] Blake’s asked but Barbara could tell she was no longer talking to the mask as his voice rumbled like thunder. [color=#4682b4]“Special Agent Perry.”[/color] Barbara replied, [color=#4682b4]“The axe was stolen.”[/color] [b][color=#b8860b]“That axe was supposed to be destroyed!”[/color][/b][SUP][COLOR=BLACK]3[/COLOR][/SUP] Thor snapped back as Barbara could have sworn she heard thunder rumble outside. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Deputy?”[/color][/b] Barbara froze as she turned around, coming face to face with Agent Perry. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Perhaps the three of us should talk someplace else?”[/color][/b] She suggested with a strained smile that Barbara could tell was more forced than anything. [color=#4682b4]“That would likely be for the best.”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=darkgoldenrod][indent][sub][B]Location[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]The Home of Blake and Barbara[/I] - [I]Marville[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][/color][hr][INDENT][INDENT]Barbara paced back and forth across the living room while Agent Perry waited patiently, seat comfortably on the sofa as she sipped a fresh mug of tea. Outside the wind howled as the skies darkened, an ominous warning of Thor’s approach. Suddenly heavy footsteps stormed across the front porch as the door was swung open, a gust of wind sending a chill up Barbara’s spine as Blake’s large frame filled the doorway. [color=#4682b4]“Blake…” [/color]Barbara began but he moved past her, walking towards Agent Perry. Barbara could only watch, amazed that the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent remained unfazed, the woman's resolve absolute as Agent Perry gently put her tea down before standing to greet Blake. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Hello, Thor,”[/color][/b] She stated, tucking her arms behind her back. [b][color=#7b68ee]“This is a very quaint home you have for yourself here.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#b8860b]“I told you to have it destroyed!”[/color][/b] Thor roared back, [b][color=#b8860b]“What part of that was difficult to understand?”[/color][/b] [b][color=#7b68ee]“And I told you, Járnbjörn was a very valuable asset to S.H.I.E.L.D., Upper Brass would not allow it to be destroyed.”[/color][/b] Agent Perry replied calmly. [b][color=#7b68ee]“You can’t expect me to risk my career, perhaps even my life to destroy a weapon that could give humanity a fighting chance if you or the one in Metropolis ever turned on us.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#b8860b]“That weapon is cursed!”[/color][/b] Thor retorted, his voice echoing throughout the house.[b][color=#b8860b] “Anyone, mortal or immortal, who wields that axe will be filled with an insatiable lust for blood. It will not save you from a monster, it will only create them.”[/color][/b] [color=#4682b4]“Enough!”[/color] Barbara yelled as Thor and Agent Perry paused, turning to look at the smaller blonde woman. [color=#4682b4]“This isn’t productive for any of us!”[/color] Barbara snapped at the bickering pair, [color=#4682b4]“Agent Perry, I’m assuming you came here for a reason, at least I’m hoping so.”[/color] She added as Agent Perry nodded solemnly. [b][color=#7b68ee]“The axe’s unique composition makes it possible to track.”[/color][/b] Agent Perry stated as she retrieved the tablet from within her jacket, unfolding the glass screen to its full size. [b][color=#7b68ee]“According to our satelite, the axe is here in Marville.”[/color][/b] Agent Perry said pointing to a glowing dot on the map. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Specifically, right there.”[/color][/b] [color=#b8860b]“The Morden Estate.”[/color] Blake replied as Barbara released a small sigh of relief, noting that Blake, at least for the time being, had calmed down. [color=#4682b4]“Morton actually,”[/color] She corrected as Agent Perry nodded. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Indeed, as you’re probably aware, the sole resident of the Estate is Sir Morton’s Widow, Lady Elaine.”[/color][/b] Perry paused, swiping the screen as security footage from the Triskelion began to play. [b][color=#7b68ee]“This woman managed to infiltrate the Triskelion, not once, but twice.” She continued, “The first time was the day you were there,”[/color][/b] Perry stated pointing towards Blake,[b][color=#7b68ee] “The second was the day she took the axe. She’s a physical match for Lady Elaine but beyond looking alike we don’t have much to go on.”[/color][/b] [color=#b8860b]“What about the tracker?”[/color] [b][color=#7b68ee]“Until we can confirm that the axe is there, it’s circumstantial at best.”[/color][/b] Perry replied as Barbara nodded in agreement. “For all we know, it could be another necklace like the Enchantress had.” [color=#b8860b]“Heimdall and I can get in-”[/color] Blake began as Agent Perry shook her head. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Based on the last couple of months, your preferred method of travel isn’t subtle, in fact, your general modus operandi is generally pretty heavy-handed.”[/color][/b] Agent Perry replied before turning towards Barbara. [b][color=#7b68ee]“I was hoping for a more delicate touch.”[/color][/b] [color=#4682b4]“Me?”[/color] [b][color=#7b68ee]“Project Valkyrie is sponsored by Lady Elaine is it not?”[/color][/b] Agent Perry asked as Blake shot Barbara a confused look. [b][color=#7b68ee]“It might be a good time to express your gratitude.”[/color][/b][/INDENT][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][SUP][COLOR=BLACK]1 - [i]Don’t remember what portal Thor was thrown through? You can check it out [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4753416][color=black][b]HERE[/B][/COLOR][/url][/i] 2 - [i]What happened to the Sheriff’s Office? You can check it out [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4702003][color=black][b]HERE[/B][/COLOR][/url][/i] 3 - [i]Why was the axe to be destroyed? You can check it out [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4753581][color=black][b]HERE[/B][/COLOR][/url][/i][/COLOR][/SUP][/INDENT]