Alright, here it is, if you're wondering, they actually are human, they just have some demonic power left over from a demonic possession, if that doesn't work for you then I can change that, I just wanted to play something a little different then a normal human being. Your RP though, if it doesn't work for you it's an easy fix for me. ^^ [hider=Kai Truhorgan, The Drifter] [color=ed1c24][i][h2]"I'm whatever you want me to be, unless I want to be left alone."[/h2][/i][/color] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kai Truhorgan [b]Appearance:[/b] An almost unremarkable looking human being, except for the odd aura they give off. They stand at a perfect height of 6 feet tall, with the build of either a very flat chested woman, or an average-thin built man, even on a close survey, it's impossible to tell. They are more often then not seen wearing a long cloak that covers their body until their feet. Underneath is a simple long sleeved tunic, trousers, boots, and a chain-mail shirt. They wear finger-less gloves all the time, even in their sleep. [b]Race:[/b] Human? [b]Magic/Abilities/Equipment: [/b] Although they possess no outwards magic, Kai seems to be able to run at speeds most humans cannot, along with the ability to pull off incredible feats of strength when angered, far more then a standard adrenaline rush. Being a as of yet unidentified gender, they can fool just about everyone into believing they are one or the other. The longsword strapped to their back is for far more then show, and they can give even masters a tough time, though they are far from infallible. The blade of the weapon is magically enchanted, allowing them to attack even normally intangible creatures, though the downside means the sword is more of a glorified club, unable to take the life of anything. [b]Personality:[/b] Kai is normally calm and reserved, but that's mostly because they are by themselves a lot. They are an introverted person, possibly explaining the unexplained gender. Around others, they are very quiet, rarely speaking out loud, and generally keeping to them self. They are easily flustered when complimented, and don't seem to give off an aura of either masculinity or femininity at once. They don't seem to have much of an interest in affairs such as wars, and often wonder why others are so quick to fear the unknown. They are a very open minded individual, and they don't see monster girls as much more then fellow people. However, their opinion on humans is not nearly as open, and they actively try to avoid them when interaction with one is unnecessary. They often find themselves in abandoned areas, or places generally uninhabited by humans, and as such, they enjoy exploring and adventuring. For whatever reason, they don't seem to understand why being whatever others want them to be causes a lot of misunderstandings. Either way, they sometimes get free drinks off of flirty men and female bartenders, so that's a plus. [b]Background:[/b] Although they are known to randomly appear in towns when in need of supplies or a drink, what else goes on inside their head and during their time is largely unknown. The cause mostly being a lack of interest or a lack of direct answers from Kai themselves. When persuaded by a pushy bartender, they mentioned being chased out of their village when they were found in the center of town, surrounded by the bodies of several residents. When asked by a barber, they mumbled something about demonic energy and left it at that. Although they generally kept to themselves, beings such as Kai are magnets for trouble, and after a run in with a drunken gang member in a tavern, they attracted the attention of the rest of the gang when their comrade came bursting into their base of operations, babbling about some girl, or maybe even a guy, who had backhanded them with the flat of a sword. Kai spent the next few days fighting them off until their boss finally was angered enough into showing up himself. Kai still has a scar under their eye from the fight, the gang leader was dumped into a lake. Shortly after, they were approached by Bartholomew Barker in a letter. The letter was crumpled up and forgotten, at least for a while. Curiosity is a powerful thing after all. [b]Other:[/b] Ghosts are one, but Slimes and Centaurs are also a favorite. I don't really have any one reason for any, I just do. ^^ [/hider]