[color=crimson] [center] [u][i][h1] Gor Dae [/h1][/i][/u] [/center] [/color] [center] [b] Power level: 470 [/b] [/center] Tags: [@CaptainSully] Gor felt as a searing pain burned his eyes, as he was blinded by the strange cat-child repeating the same move the old man did, but with much more fury. "[i]He copied a technique that fast?! Who was that kid, and god damn it, why'd he have to do that while I was looking towards him?[/i]" Gor thought to himself. When his sight returned, the child was gone. He heard them scream and whine, but wasn't able to make much of it as he was sent reeling by the pain in his eyes. Slowly, he wandered about until his sight returned. "[color=f7976a]Unfortunately the kid has gone now so I can't have you fight him unfortunately. Either way, my name is Master Kojiro and this is my dojo. What brings you here may I ask[/color]" Gor watched the old martial artist come into focus, going from a flesh colored blob to a human who'd impressed him with their speed. There was much more to this old man than meets the eye it would seem. "I've come here seeking aid. Tell me, have you felt it? The great power that has arrived, and threatens the very world with its vast power?" Gor asks, hoping to not insult the intelligence of the old man. He had no idea if his great powers included the ability to sense energy. He hoped they had, as it would cut out a large amount of explaining.