[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119530662433665155/1126543385675710566/latest.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119530662433665155/1126544020856909924/astro-futuristic-font.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=silver]Unbeknownst to us, there has been a world between worlds, a dimensional cyberspace that persists within electronically transmitted data. A Digital World. A world that has become aware of our own. For how long? At what cost? And why? These are all questions that have yet to be answered and perhaps they never will as long as Axion Bridge Technologies keeps quiet about their role in such a reality. For the average person, nobody knows. But for the digital world? It has already begun affecting our world, and in turn our world has been affecting it. It has been eight years since strange phenomena started to occur. When you were six years old you were touched by the digital world. Although you barely remember it, you were one of the eight who experienced a visage, a fabrication of two creatures not of this world. You might have thought it was a dream and forgotten about it, but the digital world did not forget you. And soon it will reach out for you once again. In fact, that day is today.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119530662433665155/1128453422899794011/astro-futuristic-font.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=silver][b][color=#b22222]Damian Blake[/color][/b] is the crest-bearer of Courage. [sub][url=https://wikimon.net/Sunamon]Sunamon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Goromon]Goromon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Gottsumon]Gotsumon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Golemon]Golemon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Volcamon]Volcamon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Pile_Volcamon]PileVolcamon[/url][/sub] [b][color=ORANGE]Ryan Beckett[/color][/b] is the crest-bearer of [b]Friendship[/b]. [sub][url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Petitmon]Petitmon[/url] → [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Babydmon]Babydmon[/url] → [url=https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Betamon]Betamon[/url] → [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Seadramon]Seadramon[/url] → [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/MegaSeadramon]MegaSeadramon[/url] → [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/MetalSeadramon]MetalSeadramon[/url][/sub] [b][color=#ffc0cb]Estelle Lambert[/color][/b] is the crest-bearer of [b]Love[/b]. [sub][url=https://wikimon.net/Yukimi_Botamon]YukimiBotamon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Moonmon]Moonmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Lunamon]Lunamon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Lekismon]Lekismon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Crescemon]Crescemon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Dianamon]Dianamon[/url][/sub] [color=fff200][b]Miranda Howard[/b][/color] is the crest-bearer of [b]Knowledge[/b]. [sub][url=https://wikimon.net/Pururumon]Pururumon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Poromon]Poromon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Hawkmon]Hawkmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Swanmon]Swanmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Sinduramon]Sinduramon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Valdurmon]Valdurmon[/url][/sub] [quote][sub]Often called “mean” and “cold”, Miri has always been pretty ambivalent towards people. Maybe if her big, important, and extremely rich family cared about her she’d treat people better. But it is largely due to her parents' hefty expectations and emotional distance that Miri found solace in academia. The things that fascinated her and interested her ended up being in those old encyclopedias in her mansion’s big library. The rest goes like clockwork. She’s probably the smartest girl at her school and she’s only a 9th grader.[/sub] [/quote] [b][color=#9966cc]Carlos Martinez[/color][/b] is the crest-bearer of [b]Sincerity[/b]. [sub][url=https://wikimon.net/Paomon]Paomon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Xiaomon]Xiaomon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Labramon]Labramon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Dobermon]Dobermon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Cerberumon]Cerberumon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Anubimon]Anubimon[/url][/sub] [b][color=#87ceeb]Carmen Martinez[/color][/b] is the crest-bearer of [b]Reliability[/b]. [sub][url=https://wikimon.net/Poyomon]Poyomon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Tokomon]Tokomon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Patamon]Patamon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Unimon]Unimon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Hippogriffomon]Hippogriffomon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Griffomon]Gryffomon[/url][/sub] [color=limegreen][b]Sarah Jean Anders[/b][/color] is the crest-bearer of [b]Hope[/b]. [sub][url=https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Yuramon]Yuramon[/url] → [url=https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Budmon]Budmon[/url] → [url=https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Lalamon]Lalamon[/url] → [url=https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Sunflowmon]Sunflowmon[/url] → [url=https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Lilamon]Lilamon[/url] → [url=https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Lotosmon]Lotosmon[/url][/sub] [quote][sub]A sparkplug of optimism and good vibes, the only thing that can stop her is how little energy she can muster these days. The long hours at the hospital have drained her. The ex-champion of the United States Middle School Chess Tournament thinks she’s not long for the world and she constantly fights with herself if it all matters; if god is punishing her for doing something bad. But cancer comes for everyone. She just hopes hse can fight it without bankrupting her parents. [/sub] [/quote] [color=red][b]Zǐháo Jones[/b][/color] is the crest-bearer of [b]Kindness[/b]. [sub][url=https://wikimon.net/Chibickmon]Chibickmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Pickmon]Pickmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Solarmon]Solarmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Starmon]Starmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Superstarmon]SuperStarmon[/url] → [url=https://wikimon.net/Susanoomon]Susanomon[/url][/sub] [quote][sub]Zee’s family life has been pretty great since forever ago. His parents adopted him not long after he was born and raised him in Denver to the best of their abilities. Unfortunately their abilities didn’t translate perfectly. In many respects Zee considers himself a “bad boy” and “outcast”. He’s never been outright cruel, but sometimes the line gets blurry when you’re having fun. He’s charismatic, but part of him is still there–the part of him that knows he should do the right thing.[/sub] [/quote] [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]