[center] [hider=Anzo Chaza] Name: Anzo Chaza Age: 19 Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4b/c8/bf/4bc8bfb918f6641f8f5f5a158041a6e4--street-men-korean-street-style-men.jpg[/img] Backstory: Anzo was 12 when the incident happened, it was "Bring your child to work day" at his moms job as a spacial scientist (someone that tries to make teleportation/portal movement possible (idk what I should have called it just roll with it)) at 14:35 they started a test that went wrong and blew up the portal machine making some people disappear on the spot and some people having half of their body disappear making them die a most gruesome death as they feel the blood dripping out of their half heart. But some people survived and these people were either thrown into madness as they saw the terror around them or was too young to understand what happened which is what happened to Anzo. He was later brought to a hospital where they made sure nothing was wrong with him, while doing this they tried making him sleep so that they could run tests on him, while they were trying to stick the needle in him he got very scared and without meaning it stretched out his arm and created a portal in front of him protecting him from the needle and cutting off the arm of the doctor as the portal closed. Since then he has been running from a special squad of the military since then as he was deemed dangerous by them Abilities/Weaknesses: His abilities is that he can make a portal anywhere around him in a sphere of 2 meters from him, and then create another one really anywhere making travel really easy. His portals can kind of backfire since he is not trained in using it, Sometimes the portal goes to what you could call a limbo zone where you are stuck in there for as long as 10 days depending on how long he tries to portal away. Personality: He is kind of a jester, messing with the people he is fighting or fleeing from. He is a child of the streets so he knows how to fight and how to blend into the background. He likes to learn new things but doesn't like sitting still or not doing anything so in school, he is usually seen making a momentum trap with his stress balls that he always keeps with him [hider=Picture of the balls] [img]https://allthingsmeditation.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/meditation-balls.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider][/center]