REBOOT [url=]HERE[/url] [center]The Academy is for special...children. The misfits, the ones who don't fit into society, are sent there to be in a healthy environment for them. Little do they know that once they are in, they won't come out. The Academy grounds are surrounded by a giant fence and have students loyal to the Administration patrolling the grounds along with numerous cameras. The large campus contains the main school building, the student housing, a track, and large amounts of woods to play paintball and capture the flag for the students in their recreational time. The children in the Academy are specially selected, they are the ones no one will miss, orphans, runaways, and others of the sort. Inside the Academy the children are appointed jobs and left to manage themselves, but if they get out of line they are punished by the Administration, the mysterious people that set up the Academy and only appear to the students as a voice, telling them what to do. When one is sent to detention they never come back... The students are divided into three factions [u]The Savant[/u]- they are the ones that hold the jobs of teachers, security , and discipline. They are the only students who the Administration talks to. They are a mix of snobs and some people who genuinely think they are doing the right thing. They are known to be ruthless at times, and the Administration turns a blind eye to their outbursts of violence. The other students view them as traitors, and puppets to the Administration. The Savant receive favor from the Administration and are given better equipment for paintball, the major sporting event the students have. Though it has its perks, the Savant are despised by the other students. [u]The Sedition[/u]- they are always trying to escape the Academy grounds and are the people who usually get in trouble. They hold the jobs of kitchen, janitors, and sports. They are a mix of rebellious trouble makers and some who just want to escape and go home. The Administration is most harsh to them in terms of discipline, and can be sent to detention for things others have done. The Sedition are all very loyal to each other, so if someone messes with the Sedition they have the whole gang coming after them. Though they can be rough, there are some who just desperately want to escape. They enjoy conducting capture the flag and paintball, and they usually win. They are looked at as allies by the Halcyon, but are just underlings to most of the Savant. [u]the Halcyon[/u]- They are peaceful students and don't usually try to pick fights. They don't like being in the Academy, but they live with it, and try to find the best in it. They hold the jobs of Supplies, Construction, and Housing. They are a mix of quiet, soft spoken people and optimistic extroverts. They try to abide to the rules, but there is an occasional escape plan from them, but usually more well planned then the Sedition's attempts at escape. The Halcyon look out for each other, and try to avoid trouble. They are barely even noticed by the Savant, but are bullied by the Sedition, though the Halcyon and Sedition see each other as allies against the Savant and Administration. They all live in relative peace, though there is always tension, especially during sporting events such as paintball and capture the flag there is rivalry. They have their own housing for each group off the main Academy building. The Savant in the northern most corner in a resort-type building with fountains, a courtyard and even a pool. They live in luxury. The Sedition are in the southern most corner of the campus in a well built, but standard dorm-type building. Inside it is usually messy and has a bad odor, but they have a full kitchen. The Halcyon are in the Western corner at the edge of the woods. They have the standard building, but put the effort into planting flowers in the front. The rooms are all relatively clean and organized with a large living room on the ground floor. The supplies come in every night by trucks that are heavily guarded. Those who try to escape through the trucks are immediately sent to detention.You were chosen to be in the Academy. Will you abide by the Administration and try to lead a normal life, will you answer to them and live in luxury, or will you rebel and try to escape? It's your choice. Welcome to the Academy[/center]