[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/355052684627410946/502287553857191936/Speedwagon_solo.jpg?width=304&height=301[/img][/center] "I'll come at them from the sky. Janet, hit them from below. Summer, get in close on the roof. We'll box them in and then shift them to the Overcity. That should remove the threat to the congregation." Halfway through that first sentence, Speedwagon's enhanced senses helped her pinpoint the speaker, and glanced around the gargoyle in their direction. [color=silver][i]That voice...![/i][/color] Sounded like they were going to take care of the witch problem, but what would happen when they got rid of the Quidditch team? Would they stick around? Speedwagon set her jaw. There'd be ample time to worry about that later. The girl whimpering on the ground was clearly a magical girl, and not one born for combat - not just because of her magic, either. But the smell of this 'detective' girl... dammit, this was getting complicated fast. Better draw her attention while it was in her general direction, buy a little more time to make sure of what she was seeing (and smelling). [color=silver]"Sharp as a tack you are, it's plain to see. Right about now, you're probably wondering who I am." Speedwagon finished stepping out from behind the gargoyle. She stopped a few feet from the girls, before thrusting her chest and hips as though hooked around the waist and frozen mid-pull, standing on the balls of her feet. Her right hand crossed behind her back to rest at the bottom of her left ribs, her right arm pointed down and parallel to her legs, with that hand holding her hat. Holding that pose, she continued seamlessly. "Allow me to elucidate ya! The name is R. E. O. Speedwagon!"[/color] As naturally as the posing had come to her, she made equally sure not to put power into her words to trigger a de-transformation. This right here was headed straight for a proper dust-up, or a very one-sided one, if she wasn't careful. But otherwise, she was going to be mashing the proverbial 'style button' to hold that attention for as long as possible. Hopefully Miss Jo-star would catch up soon - she'd rather go into that fight with her at her back, if possible. She'd left her phone on speaker in her pocket, muting the audio coming from Nina's end. She seemed like a smart girl, smart enough to realize what she was doing. [color=silver]"Now that I've made my introduction, it'd be polite for you to do the same. I'd hate to only think of you two as 'the detective girl taking her cats for a walk' and 'the cowering girl covered in ramen and not much else.'"[/color] Naturally, that was the moment things went right back to hell, as a baseball defying all logic and physics sent the ramen girl up and into the arms of another magical girl. [color=silver]"?! The hell?"[/color] Speedwagon decided to focus her attention on the ramen girl's abductor. The detective didn't seem like the sort who'd blame her for that other girl's actions, at least not after voicing her own surprise. Speedwagon just hoped that whoever the hell the baseball girl was, she was at least an ally of the ramen girl. [hr] [@BrokenPromise][@DarkwolfX37][@t2wave][@Majoras End][@Ariamis] [hr] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/355052684627410946/502287489587871765/Joanna_solo.jpg?width=299&height=300[/img][/center] Joanna Fujo heard the sound of footsteps coming up behind her, a slow, casual pace. She turned around carefully, facing the rooftop watcher. They were wearing a mask that was smooth, white, and featureless, save for a large [color=red][b]A[/b][/color] that dominated that space. [color=red]"Tell me. Why insist on charging into a situation you don't understand? Why leap headfirst into the jaws of uncertainty, when you can take a moment to observe, and see them for what they are before they close around you?"[/color] Joanna had a feeling this person was talking more about themselves, rather than the attack on the cathedral. [color=gold]"I didn't mean to offend you by refusing your offer..."[/color] The masked figure bowed, tapping their mask with one hand. [color=red]"Call me [b]A[/b]."[/color] [color=gold]"Jo-star,"[/color] she replied. Technically, a valid answer to give - while it may be possible that person's true name was [color=red][b]A[/b][/color], it was far more likely to be an alias. Something about this figure radiated menace - particularly, their parlor trick with the bleeding branches reminded her an awful lot of something Speedwagon had warned her about. [color=gold]"I have no quarrel with you. I'm going to protect my friend, and the innocents trapped inside that building. All I ask is to pass, peacefully."[/color] [color=red]"Well, Miss Jo-star. In that case...by all means."[/color] The wall of bleeding branches receded, and [color=red][b]A[/b][/color] gestured with both hands towards the cathedral. [color=red]"You seem surprised. Calm yourself; despite the method I used to instigate our introduction, I am not utterly uncivilized. And do not worry, I'm not going to create another when you commit to leaving. I'd see more of how you use your power."[/color] So he noticed. And yet, he (she?) wasn't going out of their way to start a fight with her. at the very least, it seemed this [color=red][b]A[/b][/color] had some sense of honor. Joanna nodded deeply. [color=gold]"Thank you."[/color] As she stepped to the edge, she felt she might as well ask the question on her mind while they were on good terms. [color=gold]"If you have such powers, why not come and help?"[/color] [color=red][b]A[/b][/color] was already walking back over to their refreshments. [color=red]"It would be for the best if I didn't get involved. And besides, it would likely cause a panic if I were to cut loose."[/color] Joanna thought back to those bleeding branches, and nodded to concede the point. She gathered power once more, and left the roof with another [color=gold]"Zoom Jump!"[/color] Back on the roof, however, [color=red][b]A[/b][/color] watched her leap from rooftop to rooftop on her way to the cathedral, before turning their attention back to the chaos. [color=red]"Besides," [b]A[/b][/color] said, when Joanna was well out of earshot. They picked up a pair of binoculars, focusing in on the shivering form of Binky. [color=red]"I'm here for the 「Greatest Game.」"[/color] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/415785156096557058/487780721419616287/med.png?width=200&height=45[/img]