[center][h3] Kiseo and Jain[/h3][/center] Location: Marketplace Time: Early morning, Week 3 and Day 1 after the party. Collab with: [@JaisonJ97] with help from [@TheDuncanMorgan] [hr] Kiseo collected her hooded cloak off the floor, wrapping it about herself and propping the hood onto her head. She glanced into the small hand mirror her mistress kept ensuring all the features of her feline face were tucked away before putting the looking glass away. Her arm reached for the handbasket then secured it into her elbow, fitted so to ensure it would stay. She needed more ingredients for the afternoon meal. Thankfully Dyril was out visiting with Ms. Zerrikan on her ship. Casually, the Mao pushed her way through the doorway. Her feet silently trod down the stairs to the first floor as she continued out the Inn’s entrance. The streets were bustling with workers to merchants, each one making a living in the only way they knew how. Others sought their daily meat or bread. Kiseo paused by the fruit stands. Her hand reached for the top fruit, then applied slight pressure. The insides held slightly firm indicating it wouldn’t spoil within a few hours. Pleased with the finding, the feline-woman placed the fruit onto the counter with about three others. Ensuring the vendor spotted them, she paid then slipped them into her basket. She turned to leave. Little did Kiseo know that she had gained a shadow. From a nearby alleyway, Jain was watching her as he had done for the past few days. Ever since he saw her at the party the Mao servant had triggered something in his memory; he knew that the Mao were slaves of the Elves and to see one walk so freely in Formaroth was a strange thing indeed. He also knew of their abilities, and that to have such a creature on his side would be a great asset. He had been waiting for days to get the opportunity to talk to her alone and it seemed he would finally get his chance. He waited for her to walk by before grabbing her arm and pulling her into the alley. Kiseo’s balance was disrupted when she felt her arm seized then her figure tugged to the left. She managed to catch her balance when the man let go, but the basket fell from her grasp. The contents spilled onto the ground behind her. Without thinking, her figure flinched and her teeth bared through black lips. They curled back as she hissed softly at the assailant. Seeming to realize her behavior, Kiseo’s eyes widen in surprise. Her figure began to retreat back into the alleyway and started to scattered her basket’s content. Jain looked on with a cold gaze that could make a cat's hair stand on end (well it did) at what was happening before him. Realizing he had startled the Mao, he moved to calm her down. “Calm yourself, Mao” Jain said in a hushed tone “I meant only to talk to you.” Jain realized he may have been a bit rough with the Mao, however, he wished for this conversation to remain private, a conversation between an easterner and a Mao would gain a lot of attention if done in public. He picked up one of the fruits that had fallen to the ground and reached out to offer it to her. “It is an odd sight to me to see a Mao walk so freely without her master nearby”. “Who is you?” Kiseo backed away more, edging toward the alley’s exit. Her fur remained on end. The strands puffed out to make her appear larger than she felt as her eyes stared at him harshly, trying to pin him in place. Her arm curled protectively about her before she paused about two feet away from him. When he picked the fruit up, she tilted her head at his words. “I always run errands for my Lady Dyril. Most humans tend to avoid me, purely because I am not… how do you say it? Nor-normal? The same as them,” Kiseo struggled with her word choice but quickly recovered. “What do you want?” She didn't reach for the fruit offered to her. When Kiseo didn’t reach for the fruit Jain shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to take a bite out of it. “I am Jain Surya, a...let say an associate of William Flin. While most ‘humans’ will avoid you I personally find you very interesting, in particular, your abilities as a Mao. Tell me would you be interested in running some errands for me in exchange for...let's say your freedom” Jain said with a smirk, confident that it would gain the Mao’s attention. Kiseo studied him for a moment. She seemed to debate internally over something before she spoke, breaking the silence between them. Her head shook at his offer. “I must decline. I believe you misunderstand. She hasn’t treated me in an ill way and I willing serve her,” her lines rehearsed, but honest in her feelings on it. Jain looked at the Mao with disappointment, (Marid giggled in the background of his mind). “Are you truly content with being a slave for the rest of your life? I am offering you a way out, I have very influential allies who can protect you if you are afraid your master may come for you, all I ask is that you help me in with some tasks that only you can help me with”. “My mistresses explained when we entered Formaroth soil, I was lawfully free. I [i]chose[/i] to serve her because she is worth it. Free is not always good for those who have always lived without it. Especially when one has no purpose beyond it,” Kiseo pointed out, her figure bent down to quickly pick up the fruit and spilled goods. It was obvious she wanted to escape from this man’s presence. “It seems you are very attached to your mistress…. That is good to know. Very good indeed” Jain said with a twisted smile as he walked toward Kiseo reaching out and placing the half eaten fruit in her basket. “I mean, it’s fine if you don’t want to help me. It’ll just be a shame if something were to happen to your poor mistress if you didn’t.” Jain’s smile disappeared replaced with a dark look upon his face. “ A real shame”. Kiseo’s figure froze in mid-action. Her hand out reached and rested on a peach, unable to pick it up. Her head whipped up to stare in disbelief at Jain. “You have no reason to bring her into this,” the Mao protested, her voice submissively quiet. Jain’s smile returned when he decided that he had her where he wanted her. “Who said anything about me bringing her into it? I’m saying you will if you don’t help out a poor fellow like me with a small errand.” Jain stepped uncomfortably close, staring into her eyes with a cold menace. “So unless you really just want for your mistress to wake up dead one fine morning in the sea…. I would really consider helping this stranger by listening to what he has to say”. She eyed him, fear and worry poured into her core. The man’s body language showed no lies. He was serious about hurting Dyril causing her anxiety to rise. It was betrayed in her tail as it curled close to her leg, wrapping about herself protectively. Part of her wanted to call his bluff, but her protectiveness of her mistress won out. “Your ‘errand’ does not hurt my mistress in any way, consequences or otherwise,” Kiseo hissed, her arm moving again. This time rapidly putting in the fruit as she stood upright. She fully intended to inform Dyril about the threat. Her mistress would know what to do and how to handle it, at least she hoped. Her eyes studied him to memory while she waited for him to continue. “I need you, little Mao, to work for me on the side. I require someone with a certain level of skill when it comes to stealth. You being a Mao already have such levels of skill and instinct, better than most trained Formarothian spies.” “And you’ll leave my Mistress alone?” Kiseo asked, confirming what she hoped. “Like I said l little Mao”, replied Jain without a smile, he had what he wanted, he didn't need to intimidate her any further. “I won't be the one harming your poor mistress.” A subtle grin appearing on his face, satisfied with himself. Jain approached the Mao and took the peach Kiseo just placed in her basket and took a juicy bite out of it, looking the Mao in the eye. Before asking her, “what is this fruit? I don't think we have these in our homeland.” ignoring the Mao's surprised face, her hair standing on edge. “A peach, I believe. And they are native to mine,” Kiseo answered, her eyes broke contact with Jain and lowered to the ground. She inhaled than added, “If that is all you require from me, may I leave? My mistress will be waiting for me and I have to prepare her lunch shortly.” “That is all I need from you, for now,” Jain said as he turned around and walked away into the alley, taking Kiseo’s peach with him.