Xen and Voodoo pt 3: Execute the Plan. Later that, night plans were drafted in order to get more intel on the newest candidates. Malkal was noticeably irate at the sudden appearance of Xen into the fold. Voodoo had brushed off the situation with little more than [color=ed1c24]“He’s with me, you can trust ‘em.”[/color] before taking her seat next to them. Malkel grunted and slyly responded [color=007236]“We’re just bringing strays in nowadays? I don’t think so.”[/color] Cloud and the others chuckled at his response which left her heated. [color=ed1c24]“I Owe you a favor, he can help with the favor.”[/color] Her tone cut through the laughter and left a certain coldness through the room. [color=007236]“Cool. He can help, but he doesn’t need to know EVERYTHING”[/color] Markel stressed. He was adamant on this, his leaderesque nature shining through. Voodoo rolled her eyes and reluctantly shrugged towards Xen. While patiently awaiting for Voodoo to return Xen happens to notice the multiple stares from around the room. [color=0054a6][u]“Y’all like something you see?”[/u][/color] Xen says with a cold yet adamant nature. The presence of his quirk slowly engulfs the league of villains sanctuary, multiple eyes looking from the shadows, the screeching sound of souls engulfing the surrounding area. [color=0054a6][b]“I fucking thought not.”[/b][/color] Xen then exits to not avoid causing any more trouble. Markel could feel the emotions radiating off that guy, and was pleasantly surprised by all the anger he could consume, but that was definitely for a different day. “His quirk? Tell me about it… I might have a use for him in my plans…” and with that the F.O.G. meeting had begun, ideas set into motion. . . . [After the meeting] Voodoo gave a Xen a hard glare, before saying [b][color=ed1c24]“What the hell was that about in there? Are you out of your mind?”[/color][/b]She was barely below yelling with her voice reaching higher heights. [color=ed1c24][b]“You could’ve put some strikes on your life for what? Some “masculine” inspired bravado?”[/b][/color] She really wanted to hit him, but clenched her fists instead. [color=0054a6]“I felt like it was needed. I don’t trust Markel nor do I trust anyone in that room. That was simply my warning to them.”[/color] Xen grabs Voodoo by her shoulders and looks her in the eye. [color=0054a6]“What information do you have for us beloved?” [/color] Her eyes light up, and she smiled wickedly before tip toeing and leaning into his ear to whisper. Pulling back, with a kiss, she simply says [color=ed1c24]“Think you can do this for us?” [/color] Xen takes the note and studies it carefully. [color=0054a6]“Are you positive you’re up for this is the real question. If this is the case then maybe I just found a solution to my problem. I owe you for this one.”[/color] Xen turns to her and smiles slightly. With two fingers Xen begins to draw a pattern around Voodoo as he closes his eyes and utters “katika mwanzo kulikuwa na giza.” A dark purplish aura appears around Voodoo then quickly vanishes. [color=0054a6][i]“Oh you are just adorable aren't you?”[/i][/color] He laughs at the increasingly annoyed look Voodoo gives him. [color=ed1c24][i]“You’re so…”[/i][/color]She stopped and put her hand to her throat. Her voice had changed, along with her appearance. His magic was definitely awesome. She watched as he completed the incantation on himself. She had no doubt that this plan was going to be executed brilliantly under Markels direction.