Sasha was a patient person. But even she seemed to be growing a little agitated at the continued arguing. She had told them what they were going to do, and she was going to stick with it. She was going to make sure everyone came back alive. Closing her eyes a moment, she let out a slow breath. “No.” She said sternly to Amaya and Cecilia. “If you can’t follow my orders, then you shouldn’t be here. I don’t want anyone going off- Patrick, maybe go get Karn- alone. It’s not just me being bossy, I want everyone to return home safely. If you go off alone and in the air, we can’t help you easily. You will stay with us.” She turned away, looking towards Ferrin. She was unsurprised to see that Patrick had disappeared while she was speaking. She watched Ferrin and Mavis for a moment, before she broke into giggles. She could well imagine what everyone else saw, Ferrin speaking to himself, calling the thin air names. “He’s not crazy- well no more than usual. He’s speaking with Mavis, she can generally only be seen by those of Fairy tail descent.” She explained, mirth in her voice. She raised her voice, “Ferrin? Mavis? You’re concerning the others.” [hr] Michael looked up at Prince. He had long since got use to Prince’s height-it was rare that someone would make him feel small, but somehow Prince did. And despite the fact he knew that Prince could look after himself, Michael couldn’t help but feel a need to protect him. Prince wasn’t really that impulsive, but he also didn’t seem to be aware of the dangers around them. “Yes... the fun stuff. But there’s the fighting too.” He pointed out, for a brief few seconds his stutter seemed to disappear, only to return as he continued to speak, “I d-dont’t even know w-w-why I’m h-here,,, “ [hr] Patrick nodded as Sasha addressed him, and with a small burst of energy, he seemed to be the only thing moving as he froze time for a few seconds. He took ever second of that to hastily catch up to the rambunctious Karn. Quite calmly, he stopped in front of him. Time resumed. “Halt.” He rose a hand up, prepared to stop Karn should it be needed. [hr] Penny gathered what they would need, but choice to travel light. She paid to have their things taken to the guild hall, and once she was satisfied, she took out a Lacrima from the pack that held what little she was taking. It glowed with a light gray smoke, the power within it making the small glass ball seem pleasantly warm. “Okay everyone, gather round.” She said, looking to the two exceeds. What she was meant to do with them, she didn’t know. They seemed to just assume that they were coming and that was that. She knew some slayers had exceeds, but she had never heard of a Phoenix Slayer having one. She could understand Jasmine having one... Sighing softly, she decided to face that problem later, and allow the exceed to come with them. Although she would be adamant that they would not get close to the fighting, who knew what they would do? “Let’s go.” As soon as everyone was gathered around, Penny made sure to keep ahold of Jasmine, not wanting to be parted should something happen. Her hold was secure but gently, and when she was satisfied she activated the Lacrima, hoping that this would work. Immediately the ocean air assaulted her senses and she knew something was wrong. “Jasmine!” Keeping her hold on the younger girl, Penny let her flames envelope her, catching them both just before they could crash into the water. She shot into the air, glancing about them. “Rajah!” Ignatius shouted as he hovered in the air, searching for the small exceed. [hider=mentions][@Zarkun] [@Crimson Raven] [@T2wave] [@Hatakekuro] [@Lunarlord34] [@Burthstone] [@Silver Fox] [@CitrusArms] [@Demon Shinobi] [@LightningMaiden] [@Joshua Tamashii] [@Oblivion666] [@YipeeXD][/hider]