[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180923/4805f4a09f05d03a024b61989c48efdc.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] The blankets rustled as the single occupant rolled over with a soft moan, blinking against the sunlight that filtered in through the thin curtains. A pale hand shot out of the cocoon of warmth to snag the digital clock off her dresser which caused genuine surprise to light up on Aria's delicate features when she read the time. It was quite unusual for her to sleep in so late as she was an early bird by nature. On a normal day, the sun would have barely been showing before the copper-headed woman popped out of bed like a daisy out of snow. She haphazardly placed the clock back into its position as she crawled out of the comfy bed, stretching as soon as she was on the edge and forcing herself to join the world even if it was tempting to just stay there till the party that evening. Aria had been working on the latest commission piece almost nonstop and now that it was finished, it was time for some well-deserved fun and relaxation which is what she would chalk the weird pattern of this morning too. Aria stood, planning to see about some sweet sweet coffee but found herself hugging the floor with a hiss as the blankets decided to tangle around her legs causing her to trip. She glared at the offending material, kicking it away before pushing herself up and making her way over to the kitchen to find a pot of coffee already on the warmer and waiting for her when ready. That wasn't all though, a plate of breakfast sat on the counter with a sticky note next to it that pulled a smile from her instantly. She didn't know how she had gotten so lucky to have such a wonderful roomie like Jo. It had been nerve-racking when she first arrived a month ago to be thrown into an apartment that had been occupied alone until the point of her arrival. It had made her feel like an intruder in his home rather then a roommate moving in but he had been so welcoming that it hadn't taken long for her to warm up to him. They had fallen into an easy comfort with cleaning the place and spending the mornings getting to know each other a bit more. It seemed more like a routine had set in naturally and they could easily stick to their own or join each other. She shook her head of thoughts, pulling out her favorite pale green mug from the cabinet and pouring herself some coffee before grabbing the creamer from the fridge to add to it. Once her coffee had been fancied up with creamer, she grabbed both the mug and plate to enjoy on her balcony. Once finished, she had cleaned up everything and made sure to fill the dishwasher so the sink wasn't left with dishes. It didn't take long for her change out of her pajamas and now was only left to figure out what to do with the rest of her time. There was one thing she knew she needed to do for sure before leaving and with that on her mind, Aria picked up the pad of sticky notes and scribbled down a message before pulling it away from the others to stick on Jo's bedroom door as she wasn't sure when she would catch him next and didn't want to miss remembering to answer his kindness without something. [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181020/314ebfefddd6afde4d140409520b7bd5.png[/img] [hr] Aria kept her eyes closed and listened to the excited voices around her as Silvervale was full of excitement over the festival and the tourist coming in to be a part of it all. She had enjoyed a nice jog once she was out of the apartment and found herself enjoying the sights, letting her legs take her wherever they wished and taking some snapshots though nothing to her normal professional quality. She just let herself pretend to be one of the others in the crowd, be a part of the magic instead of just another who lived here. Currently, Aria found herself laying on the ground as her bare feet curled into the grass under her, not caring one bit if she got stains or slightly damp in the process. She slowly let her eyes flutter back open to stare up at the clouds passing by and let her mind wander a bit. It wouldn't be long before the party would be starting and was debating on how much help Bert would be receiving with how many tenants that were possibly in the building. She wasn't obviously the first choice for most, trying to keep the word clutz off her mind but with not bringing anything to the party...it seemed only fair to do some manual labor. Aria pushed up onto her elbows before pushing herself the rest of the way up, brushing off her black colored jeans and pulling her red plaid button up shirt back into place. She bent over to snag her converse off of the ground, moving over to a nearby bench to place them back on before heading in the direction of the apartments that weren't too far off from her current location. She awkwardly made her way up to the rooftop of the apartments, smiling softly and giving a light wave to any that caught her eye or was giving her attention as she didn't want to seem rude. It seemed that she wasn't the only one that had been planning to offer help as Jo was there and that nice guy she had caught here and there in the hallways when she ventured out. It made her shoulder relax at the site of the two that were offering to be the setup crew and she decided to speak up to throw her hat into the ring. [color=b7eda4]"Not sure how much help I can be but thought I would offer since I don't have much going on right now..."[/color] Aria spoke out gently.