Following Zen's plan, Amber gave chase to Cassius as he got on the move. While she made sure to remain in the middle, and close to Vale, she also made sure to be far enough from the Flame thrower as the diea of having two forces of nature pulverizing everything behind them was not reassuring...For the rest, Amber managed to look like she was ignoring the '[i]zombies[/i]' completely. They were being handled enough as it is, and he gun was of no help being this close in range. [color=a187be]"I have no idea."[/color] She answered to Vale as they moved. At one point, Vale ran up to a wall where splatters of a zombie had just landed following Cassius' shot. Out of the gauntlet of her armor came out tweezers that she used to collect some of the 'goo' like substance and encase it in a safe, sealed off compartment on her waist. She couldn't pass the opportunity...but shouldn't forget to notify Cassius of this acquisition. Her helmet kept her informed on the comportment state - that is to say, if it remained safe or if there was a breach. While she was taking the sample, one Zombie crept up to her but was blown to bits before it could attack, to which Amber was so focused she didn't even look at the thing. She then walked back up to Vale's side as if nothing happened. She had given the map to everyone, but seeing as they were in the middle of combat and quite probably focused she decided to act as a GPS. Just in case. [color=a187be]"Turn left on the next corridor." [/color] She would do so until they reached the stairs.