[@FurFox][@TheUnknowable] The Princess turned to Rizavi, a little surprised. "Oh, hello! You must be.... um...." She thinks for a moment. She looked at who all was going to be on the crew but didn't remember everyone. After a moment, she spoke. "I'm sorry... I know work in the medical area... thing... but I don't remember who exactly you are. What's your name?" She looks at the éclairs. "I've never had an éclair... These do look good, though. I'm not allowed to have too many sweet, health issues and all that, but one shouldn't hurt." Fara takes one of the sweets and takes a bite. After a moment, she noticed that Devin completely ignored the newcomer, and nudged him. "Devin! She asked you something. Don't ignore her! I think you would better manners than that!" She said somewhat hypocritically, since she didn't answer his questions about buying something or hyperspace, although if she did the conversation would not have gone far. [hr] [@restless] "Yes, I am. I figured that by the time I found all of them it would be about time to launch." He said. While Corra was polite, he could tell that she wasn't as pleased as she sounded. Vossler understood that feeling though, so he didn't push it. "...Did I already say that? Felt like I have... Oh well." As Corra and Vossler walked down the hall, there was a brief moment of awkward silence as Vossler didn't really have any conversational topics after that. This might go on for a while. [hr] [@Hokum] [@Dartbored Fairy] "Dang rat..." said the guard, as he looked around casually. "Ah well, the thing won't last long if it tries to hitch a ride. Wouldn't be any safe place for a rat to hide..." He continued, unknowingly making a grim warning for the soon to be stowaways. The guard walked back to his post, and after a brief banter about the rat, returned to silence. [hider=A mistake was made] A GMing mistake was made concerning this section concerning a specific character. The person who this was meant for knows what he needs to know. If you saw what I have deleted, please pretend like you did not. My most sincere of apologies. [/hider] [hr] [@Hokum][@Candy][@TheUnknowable] The three continued there ways with no major hiccups.