Tyrin nodded to the compromise."Whatever gets us off this boat soon," He stated looking back at the island. A motley group they were, Tyrin thought listening on the others who voiced their opinion on the compromise. He got the feeling that butting heads with Luna was probably going to happen at several points, at least going off of her snarky comment. Devrin he could see getting along with though only time would tell. Jun seemed to be a bit hard to determine on how Tyrin would get along with him. "Time for hunting, later. First need to make camp," Tove interrupted Tyrin's thoughts. He looked at the palico and nodded."Yeah would love to start hunting as soon as we landed but would be dumb to run in blindly like that." Tove gave a nod hoping up on one of the rails to get a better view being careful not to fall."Good you use your head, maybe hope for you yet," The palico teased as Tyrin made a friendly jab at him. "Hey careful what you say maybe I'll just use you as bait for whatever we come across," Tyrin joked back with a smile. It definitely would be one interesting adventure they would have, that was something Tyrin was certain of.