[hider=Dragon's mate sample 1] B had worked hard to get his life to a place where he could say that he was proud of who he was. He had his own shop on the edge of the business district. He repaired vehicles. He loved his work. He was good at it. He had always been good with his hands. Repairing came naturally to him. He had a solid reputation for good affordable work. He could pretty much set his own hours. The only thing B's life lacked was a special someone. That was one thing he hadn't had the time to figure out yet. Now that he had a life that he was proud of he decided this was the time to see if he could find someone who could fit into his life and handle his world. It wouldn't be easy. His world wasn't something everyone could handle. It would take a very special person. He just had to figure out how to find that person. [/hider]