The Kobolds’ plight has always been that the world was much bigger than them So much so, that the only reason that they were able to survive at all… is that always met adversity on their own terms. Those who don’t, or stray too far from home, or do anything to suggest a hint of bravery… often meet the sweet fangs of death. A lesson taught in the egg nursery, a lesson taught by reality. There deeper in the unlit halls of that church was a small abandoned barrow. The entrance was a tunnel small enough to give most creature’s hell for attempting to enter. A story told true by a puddle of blood and smears of similar material starting - then leaving the tunnels hole. But it opened up to a small den large enough to hold two Kobolds. One had died through the night to the grievous wounds it had suffered from the troglodytes in the area. Its possessions placed nearby, and is in the process of being buried by his trembling companion, Lilt. There had been a larger group of kobolds they were with, but after the attack their fates are unknown. Most had been killed, and she had attempted to drag who she could to safety. Once the burial was done, the Kobold began to dress herself in the departed’s possessions. First his armor, a simple and primitive regalia of leather and metal bearing the insignia of the dragon she and her comrade served on the back. It had separate segments that protected her thighs, wrapped around her foot and protected the shins, and for her chest. The only other clothing she wore was a simple belt and loin cloth with similar emblems. Finally, his sword. A crudely made, mass produced weapon that was easily a twin to her own. Minus the blood that caked the side of her blade. The new addition to her arsenal was hitched to her side directly under her own. Lilt strongly desired to stay where it was safe. But sooner or later, the kobold would meet the same fate if she did not leave. She gave one final mournful look to her companion, and pushed her into the halls. She turned about and sealed the entrance with a large piece of rubble. [color=92278f]“This journey was a mistake. This journey was a mistake. This was a mistake,”[/color] She hissed to herself through a shaky breath in draconic. Her head darted left and right to check her immediate surroundings, and made her way towards a nearby door. Once her claw touched that door, she was mostly sure that her luck couldn’t get much worse. Why she had already hit rock bottom! Her comrades were probably all eaten! Why the only thing that could happen now, is that when she returns… a hero she will be! Or… death. But one was more likely than the other, and hopefully the former. The door slowly was pushed open. A deep groaning squeal echoed through the halls from the rusted hinges. Her new found resolve absconded faster than a cockroach in light. Just ahead were a group of adventurers. Armed to the teeth. And very much awake. Her tail immediately went limp and fell to the ground with a thump. Her jaw fell slack. And her eyes dilated into thin quivering slits. She tried to back up slowly and pull the door close. But her body was stuck in place. [hider=Event] Enter Lilt. Lilt spotted the party. [/hider]