Hello, My name is Essie and i'm 21, while I have done some Rp in the past, I am new to forum Rping. but thought I would give it a try. I know that I love fantasy rp of any kind. I would be interested in trying Post apocalypse rp, sci-fi rp, and maybe steampunk or cyberpunk. I tend to enjoy stuff that does not already exist just because of the fear of getting things messed up. Also I love creativity and being able to add to a story. I very much so enjoy world building to the point its a hobby. I like to make maps and languages for fun. And I love making characters with interesting back stories. I like to focus on character development and relationship, and of course world building. My hobbies include: Drawing and painting, Reading, Writing, World building, Gaming, watching shows and an assortment of anime. I also enjoy playing D&D and other table top games.