[center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjkzYmNjOC5RMkZ0YVd4c1lTQlJkV2x1YmcsLC4w/lovelyou-free.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [indent]It was difficult for Camilla not to roll her eyes, or to comment on Jack’s gruffness. By no means did she consider herself a Chatty Cathy, and she believed herself far from annoying. Asking Jack, though, perhaps would allow for a different story. His quick words, full of forthright irritation from her nonsensical comments, caused Camilla not to recoil but instead to cross her arms over her chest, pressing full lips together in something that [i]almost[/i] resembled a pout. Her eyes stayed straight, looking out the windshield as her partner moved behind her seat and… well, somewhere else. The woman wriggled down in her seat, keeping her arms over her chest, until curiosity finally got the best of her. The corner of her mouth turned up in a slight snarl but she said nothing, schooling her features into one of neutrality as he carelessly dropped food into her lap. She supposed she appreciated the gesture, knowing that he’d actually had to put thought into getting food for her. Cam offered him an unhappy look but nothing else as she ungraciously tore into the English muffin, viciously tearing off a piece with her teeth. It was quickly followed up with a gulp of coffee, which caused the woman to grimace, but she said nothing. In fact, she kept quiet for the remainder of the short journey, pleased that it hadn’t taken long at all to arrive. Her blue eyes narrowed as Jack looked to her, his words clearly hiding a meaning. But what was it? She readjusted herself in the seat, leaning forward and causing hair to spill over her shoulder. Cam’s brows furrowed as she looked back to him but she said nothing. This didn’t exactly look like a house she would want to buy, and it would be assumed that if someone was so worried about their son, they too would be worried about presenting their house – still on the market – the best they could. That was hardly the case here, and no woman seemed to be running around or searching for a lost child. Cam startled as a loud noise released from nearby, causing the hunter to look back to Jack. Something was certainly amiss, though it was difficult to tell from here. Her fingers pulled at the door when the Mustang was put in park, but she held it ajar as Jack’s voice rumbled throughout the small space. [b][color=powderblue]”Fuck me, I’ll need something.”[/color][/b] she muttered before finally moving. The rough material of her jeans slid easily over the car’s leather seat as she went to stand, though she didn’t move from the Mustang completely as she looked over the top of the vehicle and onto the house in front of them. No, she would certainly need some type of weapon. It was foolish of her to not bring something, as her companion had, but he always seemed prepared. It was interesting, considering the amount of alcohol he seemed to drink. Already she could smell the stale liquor on his breath from the night prior, but what did it matter if he was sober now and more prepared than she? Cam shut the door behind her as she travelled to the trunk, digging into her jacket pocket as she searched for the keys. [b][color=powderblue]”Old ass car,”[/color][/b] she muttered, fidgeting with them as she searched for the right one. When the trunk popped open, Cam was met with a shine of weapons. The girl hummed slightly as she ran her fingers lightly over a rifle; she had an affinity for it, but it wasn’t appropriate in a short-range situation such as in this house. Perhaps they wouldn’t find anything… she continued with the made-up melody as she took a pistol, checking the chamber before sliding it into the posterior waistband of her jeans. Quickly, Cam grabbed some bullets before shutting the trunk and moving towards the broken window. She looked in, finding nothing that looked completely out of the ordinary. The house looked lived in, as far as she was concerned. It was neat, but none of the furniture was covered with sheets. It looked modern enough, nothing that would suggest an old woman that was lonely and conjuring up her recently dead husband. Cam harrumphed before sticking her hands in her front jean pockets and moved towards Jack. With a quick shrug in his direction, she looked around. [b][color=powderblue]”Not sure I’m interested, with that broken window. Rest of the place seems kept up.”[/color][/b] Cam chewed lightly on her bottom lip. [b][color=powderblue]”Garage is nice and big.”[/color][/b] Cam took a few steps forward, her boots clicking on the dry cement of the garage floor. [b][color=powderblue]”You could put two of your cars in here, huh? But I swore Mrs. DuBois said something about a family bein’ here.”[/color][/b] She advanced once more, grimacing as she smelt a hint of sulfur in the air. [b][color=powderblue]”Must not have cleaned well,”[/color][/b] Cam continued, [b][color=powderblue]”smells like rotten eggs.”[/color][/b] She shot a look back to Jack, her eyes shimmering slightly with worry. If it were straightforward enough to be a demon, they could deal with that. She would prefer it, actually. But anything else… she wasn’t equipped for it. There wasn’t any prior research she’d done on the house, or on the family that lived here. But what she [i]did[/i] know was that there was something awry in this house. Her hand reached towards the interior door, grabbing the knob and turning it. [b][color=powderblue]”Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.”[/color][/b] She turned her head over her shoulder, a smile spreading across her features. [b][color=powderblue]”Comin’?”[/color][/b] The smell wasn't that much stronger as she entered the house, and for that Cam was thankful. The house was dark, however, and the atmosphere cloying and thick. Something [I]had[/I] happened here, as much as she'd wished it otherwise. Where was the woman who had called Jack? She, at least, should be here. The garage door had opened, and surely someone would have had to open it. But that nagging feeling in Cam's chest knew she was asking all of the wrong questions. [/indent]