[center][i]Welcome to Fairy Tale Academy! If you see this letter, that means that you are accepted to our school. Many of our students have made it pretty far in the big world: from Snowwhite to Sleeping Beauty. You should be honored that we granted you this opportunity! There are several kind of ways in which you can complete your education, so feel free to choose the path that fits you the best. The first thing we would like you to do is to answer some questions. Why we need the information is top secret! We expect you on Thursday, the first of November. Then we would like to receive all the necessary information, so you have your introduction on Monday, the fifth of November. Your lessons will start the day after your introduction. We are very excited to have you on board! See you soon. [/i][/center] [b]Don't be hesitant to try this roleplay if you have high interests. Because this roleplay is about some sort of school, every character has its own path. If you answer once a day or once a month doesn't matter.[/b] [i][u]Things to consider:[/u] you can play a part in this roleplay, because you are looking to build relationships with other characters (then you should answer regularly) or to create a path for your character to follow and you focus more on how your story and your character change over time (then it doesn't matter how often you come online).[/i] [b]You don't want to play a character, but you want to be a GM? Don't be afraid to contact me and we can discuss this![/b]