"Sorry to dissapoint. But love knows no boundaries. Race, place of birth... None of it matters when it comes to matters of the heart." Serena said, polishing off the remainder of her mead soon after before setting the bottle on the ground beside her. "It's just that, well, Some of the guys I've come across so far just seem to only like me for my looks... And how quickly they think they can get into my pants. Others think they can just tell me what I can and can't do like some possessive slave driver. And you'd know how well someone who can wield a sword as long as her body is tall without hassle would take either scenario. I think I might've busted one guy's fertility completely." Serena said, letting out an annoyed sigh afterwards. "Anyway. Enough worrying about what could be. Who knows. My special someone could be closer than I think. But tomorrow, we crack skulls."