[@A Lowly Wretch] - My new god. Also sorry, I've accidentially posted under the character tab which was not at all my intention! [hider=Valen, God of Artisanship] [b]Name:[/b] Valen [b]Domain:[/b] Artisanship [b]Appearance:[/b] Valen often appears as a common man dressed in furs, wool clothes and cloak on his shoulders. He has no physical attributes that will make him look divine. He’s often accompanied by a donkey carrying a wide array of tools. Chisels, hammers, papyrus, chalk, paint. Valen carries it all with him. A hard leather strap keeps a cylinder on his back with a great many plans for buildings, statues and other things he wants to create. While the book, on a chain hanging off his hip, contains his best attempt at wording his ideas. [b]Realm:[/b] Valen’s Workshop. A place impossible to reach if not with Valen’s leave, the workshop is an artisan’s dream come true. When stepping through the portal, they will arrive in a massive lobby. The carpets, beautiful with golden intricate patterns woven through them, will cover just enough of the complex mosaic floor. The walls are lined with statues of creatures, humans and scenes. From the lobby wide hallways run towards other parts of the workshop. There are studios dedicated to the chisel and hammer. Places for the creation of mosaics. Atriums for the painters. Even the woodworkers get their own place. Outside there is a garden where those of patience can meditate amid the trees as they carefully guide their growth in patterns. There is also a massive field ready to be filled with buildings and monuments. Of course, no workshop would be complete without its helpers. Tiny wooden and stone golems run around the place. Carrying slates of all sorts of stone and pieces of wood around. These creatures cannot talk but do understand any language. They are uncreative and will take every command literal. Though they are inexhaustible and will cater to even the most neurotic precisions. The Workshop’s storage is quite literally endless so no craftsman should ever fear the lack of materials. However, very rarely may a creation from the Workshop leave it. Only when Valen explicitly allows it. It is impossible to break this rule, as the portal that would bring one back will take away any time gained if it isn’t cleared by Valen first. [b]Biogrpahy:[/b] Valen is a very young god and he considers himself quite insignificant. He has little knowledge of the other gods or their machinations and prefers to keep himself out of their business as long as they do so with him. Valen prefers to wander the wilds in search for inspiration. So when he stumbles upon a tribe he can inspire them to help him create a monument. These days there are only simple humans so there are only simple monuments. Only a handful are scattered across the world and often take the shape of a single carved monolith. Never the less Valen is an excitable god when it comes down to a creation. If you offer him your help he’ll fulfill your request. Be it the creation of a temple or beautiful piece of jewelry. Even more so, he loves teaching humans and he often teaches different tribes different things to see how they’ll mingle. [b]Notes:[/b] [b]Misc:[/b] As said, Valen loves humanity and prefers them to be spared of pain and divine wrath. However, he considers himself a pacifist in all but the extreme cases. He will defend himself if he has to but do not expect to be attacked by Valen. Put that on my Tabula [/hider]