Rei’s face dropped into a frown at the thought of the little thing being ditched by someone that was supposed to love it. “Well it must be destiny that he ended up on with you.” She said with a nod and a smile towards the creature, finding that she was almost ignoring Jacob. Not so much out of spite but more because the fox was adorable. Could you honestly blame her? Her gaze followed him as he rushed off before turning back to the fox. However he was not gone very long before returned and offered her something in his hand. Reaching out, she gently took her the treat from his hand and listened to his instructions with a nod before squatting down and laying her palm flat on the ground. The countdown didn’t break her gaze from the little fox who sat patiently waiting. Her eyebrow cocked upward as the numbers when down… that was until the word ‘go’ was said and the fox took off towards her hand. The small cold wet nose brushed against her hand as it nibbled on the treat from her palm. A small giggle left her as the thing happily ate the treat. “That’s a good trick.” She said as she stood up when the treat had disappeared from her hand. Brushing her hands against her pants she cross her arms under her chest. Taking in a deep breathe she began, “Lord Bartos lives on the island. His house is more or less a fortress and can be hard to get into but I’ve been timing the guard changes for a while. With a long story short, Lord Bartos has an item my client wants and they’re paying a lot of money for me to get it back for them. And anything else can be sold on the market for a pretty penny because he’s got some good shit. But my main job is to make sure I can get the item back for my client.” Her gaze moved up to him, looking for a response. Seeing as he showed a bit of faith to allow her to interact with his pet, she might as well give him some information too. Besides, he knew something illegal was happening anyway so it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.