[quote=@Hero] Truthfully me neither, although once in a while I keep hearing about the sheer amount of work the poor devs pour into it and how one of the directors bragged about the amount of overtime the employees were putting into it. [/quote] Every time a Rockstar game comes out there's people that mention the 100 hour overtime the employees go through and every time it's a concern for a hot second and then the game comes out and it's like "Overtime who?" I'm interested n RDR 2 because the first game was one of the best of the previous gen - and its final hours are up there in terms of game narratives - I'm just not sure I like dedicating 150 gigs of PS4 to it. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@Fabricant451] SC girls might have a triple A render but their designs are boring, and thier characters are even worse. [b]3 of them have the exact same personality.[/b] At least Huniepop tries to give the cast a bit of life to them, but its a goddamn indie game at the end of the day. [/quote] Which three, out of curiosity? And I'm not sure I'm willing to give HuniePop a pass just because it's an indie game. Indie games are allowed to take more risks by nature of not having the pressure of a big studio breathing down them. HuniePop doesn't give the characters much in the way of personality beyond the surface and initial presentation because the point of the game isn't getting to know the characters or developing them beyond the superficial. Let's not pretend that either SC or HuniePop have great characters, but SC has at least more visually memorable ones. But if comparisons should be made HuniePop should be compared to some of its contemporaries in the genre and even then it doesn't measure up.