[center][h1][color=0072bc]Joryldin Nailo[/color][/h1] [sub]Interacting with: [color=f7941d]Dakota Brookes[/color] [@WeepingLiberty][/sub][/center] Joryldin let out a defeated sigh and averted his gaze to the heavy curtains covering the back door. "[color=0072bc]About that... I know this is gonna sound dumb, but I've never been on a school campus before. I've always been home-schooled.[/color]" This was actually true, and he was pretty embarrassed about it. If Dakota could see him, his eyes would be a very bashful pink. "[color=0072bc]Think you could give me some advice? How to make friends, stay away from enemies... stuff like that? I figure it's a bit more of a process than what I'm used to...[/color]" To be fair, he never bothered making friends before now. They were usually dead weight and trying to keep track of two people's necks would get the both of you killed. The whole mess of this social environment was taking him for a loop, and he'd already slipped up more than enough times to learn his lesson. He wasn't going to risk going a step further without some guidance. There was also the issue of the hunger gnawing at his insides. At least now it was more like conventional hunger, but he still winced a little at a sudden pang. Staying on the safe side, he discretely grabbed a vial from the fridge after Dakota snagged something for breakfast.