Name: Able Stevonson Age: 14 Grade: First Year. Quirk: Mass transfer! He can shift his own body's mass into any object that he gets all four fingers on. The volume of both himself and the target remain unchanged, it just becomes heavier, while he seems to weigh nothing at all. He can reverse the effect by putting all four fingers on himself, usually simply by clenching his fist. Country of Origin: Minnesota, United States of America. Appearance: Freakishly tall for his age, Able is already over six feet. He carries a little baby fat, the remnant of being a chunky child, before his growth spirt. Even with that, he's unusually dense; nobody would guess he weighed nearly three hundred pounds. He suspects it's a side effect of his mass based quirk. Able is shaggy, nearly platinum blond and round faced, with startlingly blue eyes. Favorite Outfit: He favors baggy jeans and sports jerseys. He wears clunky boots. Hero Costume: Personality: Not shy, necessarily, but self conscious and particularly sensitive about his size. He's friendly, and protective of his friends. He doesn't like to use his size to intimidate, but he can easily come off a little scary by accident when he starts to take something seriously. Though emotionally sensitive, he's physically quite tough, and has a high pain tolerance. Other: He has four older brothers, each with some level of a mass negating quirk. They made fun of him mercilessly for having a different quirk, and for his weight.