[@Fabricant451] Youve went to painstaking lengths to provide their flavour text and backstory as to justify their current characters, but regarding their in game behavior, voice lines and behavior towards characters in game, they come across extremely similar. It doesnt really matter if they have somewhat different reasons for acting like spunky adventurer girls who are 'going for the gusto'. The fact is to the slightly more casual gamer who hasnt delved into their character bios in gallery mode they are going to come off largely the same. Mitsurugi and Taki have different reasons as justified by their backstories to be focused badasses with a strong sense of personal justice. But they both still act like focused badasses with a strong sense of personal justice. Cass, Mina and Xiang could have their battle and win quotes all conpletley rearranged between each other and most of the fanbase would barely notice.