[i]Got to hurry, got to hurry, got to hurry![/i] The strawberry red haired woman hurried through the streets of Fiore, heading towards the docks. Her noble clothing left behind at home and replaced by a tattered forest green dress, her red hair flying behind her as she ran. She needed to get on a ship and on a ship TODAY before her father realized she was gone and that a certain book tucked under her arm and a rolled up piece of parchment in her hand were also missing. Would she be suspected? His only daughter? Probably not, but the fact that she wasn’t in the house would raise an alarm. An alarm she desperately wanted to avoid. Her shoe covered feet skidded across the concert work as she turned the corner sharply and started down the pier, [color=pink]“What ship? What ship? What ship!?”[/color] She muttered to herself like a crazy person as she speed-walked down the path looking from ship to ship. One of these had to be going somewhere, somewhere else other than this unhelpful town. No one in town would help her with the mission and since it wasn’t a guaranteed money the guild wouldn’t help her. And no sailors would dare take the [i]Willington Doll[/i], her father would skin them alive for doing so. So her idea; sneak onto a ship and hide until they dock to their next port. It couldn’t take forever right? How long was sea travel anyway? Nah, she’d be fine. Her Sea Foam colored eyes scanned the pier taking in every ship that she could until she landed on one, a group of men were loading barrels onto a ship. “Perfect.” Sneaking her way over, she slipped into one of the barrels and the lid, she was sitting on a few bags of what felt like powder and she peaked out through the hole before her vision was cut off by the trousers of a man. Cassandra held her breathe as she listened to the conversation above her. [color=skyblue]“This barrel’s full, put the rest in that one. Frank, come help me carry this one.”[/color] With that the barrel was lifted and carried aboard the ship. A long, long sigh of relief left her as she felt the rocking of the ship begin. She was finally going, it was finally happening and as along as she had some time to sit and translate the Latin within the book, she would know exactly where she was going for this massive treasure to buy her freedom but for now the stress of following through with her daring plan washed away and she drifted off to sleep. Cassandra didn’t know how long she slept but she was fully aware when she was awake. [color=blue]“Well, what do we have here?” A man stood over her, looking down at the sitting once sleeping strawberry blonde haired girl who’s gaze had turned up to him. “Frank, lookie here, we got ourselves a stowaway.” Frank appeared above her and smirked down at her, “You think we can keep her? Or should we just throw her overboard?”[/color] [color=red]Frank reached over and slapped the man across the back of the head, “Damn it Charlie, I am not getting in trouble with the Captain again ‘causea you. We turn her into the Captain, he’ll decide what to do.”[/color] Without giving a struggle except holding onto her book and paper, she was hoisted out of the barrel and forced upstairs. Come on a captain could surely understand that she just wants to be dropped off at the next stop right… right…? Reasonable and understanding is the typical standards of a captain right? RIGHT?! Well… poor Cassandra was wrong and she realized it as soon as the sun broke and she was brought up from the storage room above desk. Her sea foam eyes scanned upwards, her eyes coming into focus from exposure to the sunlight and… and there was a black flag flying high with a skull and cross bone. [i]Pirates?![/i] Fear moved across her face as she pushed, her body tumbling onto the wooden floor boards as a pair of boots landed just inches away from her face. Catching her breathe in her chest she slowly sit upright on her knees before her head turned up, up to look at the captain of the ship she had just sneaked onto… the pirates’ captain…