[center] [color=#DF0101][b]Warning[/b][/color] This poem talks about depression and feeling like you're never good enough. If you are uncomfortable with that, please do not read this. <><><><><> [/center] [hider=I'm Racing At The Speed Of Sound] I’m racing at the speed of sound Nothing is going to slow me down I’m gone Quiet as a whisper, quick as a flash A flash of lightning A wisp of light passes me by No matter what I do someone is better But I’m still flying Still running as fast as I can But it creeps into my mind I have to go faster Be the best If I’m not the best than what am I? I’m nothing It used to be don’t be last and feel bad for the guy that was But now you have to be first Be first and you’ll be happy Be first and you’ll get the job Get the girl Get the life But maybe I don’t want that “Too bad,” “It’s dog eat dog” “If you’re not first, you’re last” I race at the speed of sound, but somebody is going the speed of light. [/hider]