[h3]Kūki, the Gas Converter[/h3][hr]The heat that wafted through the bus in an attempt to give those inside any reprieve from the cold they'd soon be re-entering left its inhabitants with naught but foggy windows to look through. The shadow that seemed to hang over the city on this awfully cloudy day only seemed to add to a sort of symbolism; that the city had far from recovered from the events of a year ago. Not that they could've expected to. Kūki couldn't allow herself to think of it, though. Or rather, she wouldn't, even if she was reminded of it under these conditions. No, her mind was stolen by what would be the finale of the long entrance exam they'd been made to partake in. It wasn't any bother to her. Anything was more fun than the pen and paper tests of non-hero schools. The young girl of bright red hair made it a point to familiarize herself with those around her. These would be her future classmates, after all, should she pass. Some of them looked rather plain looking, but there were a few that stuck out like sore thumbs, be it thanks to their mannerisms or their physical appearance. A boy with a USB cord for a tail, one covered in horns, another one that constantly shone like the sun, and one more who looked like they had jet propellers for elbows. Among the girls was a catgirl, one whose limbs were all prosthetic, and another whose hair was half black and half white. Kūki could only be left to wonder what kinds of quirks the rest of them had. Then, she wasn't anything particularly special to look at either. A girl of standard height and weight for her age, her only standout feature was her hair, and Black-n-White, among several other students, had her beat out on that. Nothing would hint at how deadly she could be with but a single breath. With conditions as they were today, use of her quirk [i]would[/i] be a bit troublesome. For one, the stifling air made breathing itself a bother. On top of that, the wind would make it harder to manage where whatever she exhaled would end up. Indeed, her quirk was already rather underwhelming — and under these conditions, even more so. To pass the time, Kūki had taken up talking some poor girl with hair as black as the night's sky ears off. It was hard to tell whether she was being an annoyance or not, for though the girl didn't turn to give her direct eye contact, she didn't voice a desire to be left alone either. In any case, Kūki had already decided on her seat, and moving now would seem discourteous to others, with the slight possibility of offending the one she'd be moving away from. Rambling about how boring 'normal' school was, and how excited she was to be taking the entrance exam for a school she'd hope to be a little more fulfilling, it never crossed her mind how ignorant of the events that took place a year prior she might be. After what seemed like the longest bus ride in the history of bus rides, the vehicle came to a stop. Following instructions to pour out of the bus single file, Kūki was quickly reminded of the conditions they'd left upon entering the bus. The sting of cold air in her lungs left her wishing the last part would be inside, but as the questionable female went on to tell them why they were here, it became apparent that the state of being inside was not something they'd be enjoying for some time. A grin lined the strawberry's face. This could only be an additional hurdle for them to overcome. Working to rescue civilians, even in conditions like these. That, too, was part of being a hero. Caught up in her vision of justice, she wasn't paying proper attention enough to be shocked at how their exam instructor tossed a dummy baby into the bus, calling that an alright means of 'rescuing' them. Hopefully none of them were so impressionable as to believe that such behavior was par for the course in rescue work. Almost as quickly as she'd graced them with her presence, was the instructor gone, leaving them to wait for the signal that would mean the beginning of the end of their entrance examination. It was hard to tell, from her description of the exam, whether or not they'd be measured against each other, but she didn't mention that teaming up to get more done was out of the question either. If they were going to do this, they might as well go all out. "Let's capture all the villains!" she exclaimed, as though she'd be unsatisfied unless they fulfilled the bonus conditionals for this 'mission' in their entirety.[hr]Mentions: [@TheWindel]