Even with his limited experience in the ways of mortals, Autharyx can see that the conversation has quickly taken a turn for the worse. The energy in the air doesn't feel threatening though, more like the other is... afraid? While Autharyx tries to think back if he said anything that could be interpreted as either a challenge or a threat, his host is quick to put some space between the two of them as he retreats into a corner. Autharyx cocked his head in a curious manner as he looks into the two bright spots that mark Viltez' eyes. "Than it is very fortunate most humans have the senses of a deaf and blind mayfly," he finally answered, keeping everything about his pose non-confrontational. He had been planning to masquerade as an ignorant human, but he supposed he could adjust his plans a little. He wasn't quite ready to announce his true nature to just any mortal, human or not, but it would be nice if he could drop at least a little bit of the supposed ignorance. "My line has tended to the shrine for generations," he said by manner of explanations. "Most people seem to have forgotten the ways of old, but some have longer memories. Be ensured that I have no intention of speaking about that which it is not my place to speak about."