Barak Varr had always been a sort of 'home away from home' for Dathac. The place he often returned to for supplies, a real bed, and of course, a mug of drink only a Dawi could make. It was during the most recent of these visits that Dathac found himself wandering the grand halls and chambers of the Dawi city's public areas and places, looking for his next exciting bit of work in service to the peoples of the Borderlands. It was during one of the many conversations Dathac was having that he was directed to Copperbeard's place of dealing. A strange Dawi, one dressed in an assortment of clothing that served only to obscure his given profession, a strange sight indeed. The dwarf spoke of a renowned longbeard, searching for any and all dwarfs brave and stout enough to take up the quest offered by this 'Copperbeard'. Dathac would thank the kinsman, and make his way down the halls. Copperbeard's residence was built in a fashion that was distinctly Dawi in nature. Manlings and others would probably liken it to resembling some sort of fortress wall or other fortified structure, but Dathac recognized it as the abode of a dwarf of high stature. The torches lit the way in expert unison, and the armored head serving as the final grand display was expertly carved and crafted, a towering example of true craftsdwarfship. Stepping into the hall, Dathac found himself part of a group of presumably similarly-minded Dawi, those looking for some sort of job or adventure. After Karling and Aina had introduced themselves, Dathac chose to present himself to the elder. "Honor to you, oh lord, for allowing us to come before you. I am Dathac Metalcrest, a Ranger hailing from Karaz-A-Karak." Dathac's voice was quiet, but audible, his Khazalid bearing an accent that, while still Dawi, had a hint of the tone used by manlings of the Borderlands, showing Dathac's time spent away from home.