[center][img]http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i343/MadeByMaiden/ReduxTag_zps19b042eb.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i343/MadeByMaiden/DisclosureTag_zps894efff9.png[/img][/center] [indent]Once upon a time, Osmond’s Institute was a legit mental hospital. While a bulk of their patients were too ill to ever hope for a full and real recovery there were a few who ‘graduated’ out into Orrace each year. Over the past fifty years, the releases have stopped almost completely. Patient abuse has skyrocketed within the asylum, general regard for the facility itself has dropped off, and the disturbing trend of patients slipping into unexplained and irreversible comas has grown each year. There are very few staff remaining in Osmond’s Institute who remember what sanitarium life was like fifty years ago, and from that handful are only one or two nurses who are not unfailingly loyal to Morgan Osmond. The history of the Institute isn’t spoken of, or made known to the current patients or new nurses. As far as anybody in Osmond’s is concerned, things have always been the way they are now. And it can be dangerous for staff to suggest otherwise. Something’s gone sideways at the Institute. The residents of Orrace know this, but none of the patients do. Nobody in Orrace knows just what’s wrong either… only that the complete radio silence is troubling. Most of the new patients aren’t going to notice at first that this is not how an asylum should operate. They may chalk it up to alien cultures or their own level of madness and strength. Whatever their reasoning, it will probably take them at least a little while to realize that their lives could (and should) be much better. I plan for Buck to be an instrumental part in helping the patients to understand that something is terribly, horribly wrong. A lot of the storyline rests squarely on Buck’s slender shoulders. He is not immune to the Wrath of Morgan just because he’s my main PC character. His job/my challenge is to help the patients become aware of what is going on and guide them forward without doing anything so drastic as to cause the Administrator displeasure. I intend to have him use subterfuge and manipulation to accomplish his goals… but be warned: Buck may not always want what is best for your particular character and has no qualm sacrificing one to save the rest if necessary. There are two possible resolutions to the storyline: success and failure. Both could be fun, both could be bloody and violent, but only with one is there potential for a somewhat happy ending. I know you guys can guess who our villain is… but which side will your character take? Morality is relative, you know, and maybe on your home planet what Morgan’s up to wouldn’t be considered such a bad thing. Or maybe you’re chaotic evil and just get off on violence and destruction. Is your character too mentally weak to do much but be internally destroyed by what’s happening to them? Or is your character Superman gone mad, seeing a chance to redeem himself for truth and justice by helping his fellow patients? I’ve set the stage and have clear goals in mind. How this all goes down, however, will hopefully be a harmonious collaboration between seven or eight talented writers and roleplayers.[/indent] [b]Sibling Nurses[/b] [indent]Yes, you read this right in the IC. All the male and female NPC nurses have the [i]same[/i] face. They are different heights, body types, hair and eye color, but all members of the same gender look like they are from the same family. It may or may not be obvious to your patients at first: since they are sometimes quite different physically, it’s not quite so noticeable that they all have The Face. For those of you who participated in the first Twisted, you will remember the clone nurses. They were, of course, completely identical to one another. My Siblings are identical (most of the time) [i]just[/i] in the facial features. (Sara and Clara, Buck’s redheaded nurses, and Jean’s trio, are the only instances where multiple nurses share the exact same combination of physical features.) The Siblings are more insidious than the Clones ever were, and are burdened with glorious purpose. That’s all I have to say about that... for meow.[/indent] * This post will be updated as more plot information is revealed IC.