In fact, I think in the future we should definitely think on making a pantheon of separate god types based on their alignment and so forth. Like alignment wise of all the gods we have so far (plus the newcomers coming in that are in development) are as followed (correct me if I misplace them anywhere or if I missed others entirely): [center][color=fff200][u][b]Good (7 - 8)[/b][/u][/color] - Hyperion - Apolios (In Dev) by Archangel) - Valen - Nasara - Hayim - Sveiand - Gammaton - Azhriel (- Kalas has gone AWOL for the past two weeks, so may potentially be dropped from RP altogether or manifested into someone else's hands - idk my prediction) [b][u][color=f7941d]Neutral (8)[/color][/u][/b] - Ferron (learns more towards good) - Iva'Krorh (leans more towards chaos(?)) - Sommler (potential to return according to thewizardguy) - Naswaru - Dao Rugadh - Ral - Drakairos - Baina Ez [b][u][color=ed1c24]Bad (7)[/color][/u][/b] - Oao (according to many "good" guys) - Anu'Varr - Ragnagedon - Dirka (highly implied) - Nerplaguis - Iarus - Van Kurr [/center] Effectively speaking as of now, Good and Bad are equal. Neutral has just an additional member. So indeed I call for a Pantheon Of Benevolent Gods and Pantheon of Malevolent Gods in the future. Possibly even a few Neutral-type pantheons could work later on as well.