[@Avadon][@KatherinWinter] This character's mission, their purpose, is something which it has already been stated we'd rather not be involved with. You speak of ethics and civility yet pursue a goal which has been denied to you with feverish intent. This is neither ethical, nor civil. It is selfish, rude even. You say that even a weak anti-create field would kill him, yet how can you say for certain if such a thing even exists within this setting? Creation is the power of the gods, and no matter how powerful or ancient the characters may be within this roleplay they are still mortal; far from omnipotent. We have no desire to be involved with your roleplay, we have no interest in your gates or your nexus. The civil thing to do, the ethical choice, would accept you have been denied and look elsewhere. I can only speak for myself, in the capacity as a participant -not a gm- but I would have no qualms with you as a player joining this RP; but it would have to be for the sake of playing in this setting. Not an attempt to create a back-door to pull us into your own. The final verdict falls to Katherin, however, and the rules of the guild.